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Summary 157th Session

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Montana Masonic Museum
Hours Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Please call ahead (406) 442-7774

Grand Lodge of AF&AM of Montana

Grand Officers 2022 - 2023

The Grand Lodge Offices are located at 425 N Park Ave, Helena, Montana. The building is owned by the Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc. Besides the Grand Lodge administrative offices, it also houses the Montana Masonic Museum and Library.

Grand Lodge Officers

2023 -2024

To contact any Grand Lodge Officer please contact the Grand Lodge Office (406) 442-7774

David A. Schantz
Grand Master     

Sanuel H. Whitehead
Deputy Gand Master

Jason M. Smith
Senior Grand Warden

Don M. Powell
Junior Grand Warden

Bruce W. Lahti
Grand Treasurer

Daniel J. Gardiner
Grand Secretary

Grand Lodge Office
PO Box 1158
Helena, MT 59624-1158

Appointed Officers 2023 -2024

Wade H. Riden
Senior Grand Deacon

John D. Heston
Junior Grand Deacon

Martin A. Reierson
Grand Marshal

Tracy L. Bratcher
Senior Grand Steward

David E. Sageser
Junior Grand Steward

Mark J. Bassett
Grand Standard Bearer

Brice E. Liggett
Grand Sword Bearer

Ken M. Bates
Grand Pursuivant

Adam L. Johnson
Grand Tyler

Tom V. Hornung
Grand Chaplain

John L. Hugdahl
Grand Historian

Dylan D. Crouse
Grand Organist

Kyron T. Jeno
Assistant Grand Treasurer


Grand Lodge Officers Emeritus

Grand Treasurer Emeritus
Martin M. Olsson

Grand Secretary Emeritus
Reid L. Gardiner