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P. 8


                                          Brother Chuck Clampitt
                               Etana Lodge 333, Mt. Etna, Indiana

     Most of us recognize the Washington Monument in
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     Located on the National Mall between the Capital Building
     and the Lincoln Memorial, its size and simple obelisk shape
     catch one’s attention as it towers over the surrounding city.
     While we might think that we are familiar with the memorial,
     there is much that you might not know.
                                                                          The stone from the State of Montana
     When Washington completed his 2nd term as President,
     there was talk of making him President for life or even king.  today, metal steps were built in the interior, an observation
     Instead, he returned home to his beloved Mount Vernon in  deck and windows were included at the top, and an elevator
     1797, where he died two years later.                      was added. What you might not know is that the tip of the
                                                               obelisk is capped by a nine inch cap of aluminum. At the
     Many proposals were made to honor Washington, not the     –‹‡ǡ ƒŽ—‹— ™ƒ• ƒ †‹ƥ…—Ž– ‡–ƒŽ –‘ …ƒ•– ƒ† ™‘—Ž† „‡ –Š‡
     least of which was to name the newly designed capital city  world’s largest single casting to date. It also had a purpose.
     after him. Additional plans included a grandiose statue to be  Unlike iron, steel, or copper, aluminum doesn’t rust or stain
     placed in the Capital Building as well as interring Washington’s  and was also thought to serve as a conductor for protecting
     ”‡ƒ‹• –Š‡”‡Ǥ  Š‡ Ƥ”•– ’Žƒ ˆ‘” ƒ ‘—‡– ™ƒ• ˆ‘” ƒ ‰”ƒ†  the monument from lightning strikes.
     structure with a large statue of Washington in a chariot
     surrounded by 30 stone columns and adorned with statues of  As with every good story, there are a few secrets and ghosts
     30 of America’s Revolutionary War heroes.                 that surround the Washington Monument.

      Š‡ ’Žƒ –Šƒ– ™ƒ• ƤƒŽŽ›  ƒ‰”‡‡†  —’‘  ™ƒ•  –Š‡  ‘—‡–  A number of stone blocks that comprise the monument are
     as we know it today. Construction began in 1848 with much  inscribed with the names of companies, foreign countries,
     fanfare at the cornerstone laying by notable Masons and   and organizations that donated funds for the construction
     many of America’s political and historical luminaries of the  and can only be seen from inside the structure. Among these
     time. Because of political wrangling by board members of  are 22 stones from Masonic Lodges, organizations, and Grand
     the Washington National Monument Society and a lack of    Lodges.
     donations, construction stopped in 1854. The incomplete
     monument had stopped at the 155-foot level of a planned   At least three people have fallen or jumped to their death.
                                       height of 555 feet.     One mother died trying to rescue a falling child, and the
                                       Years later, Mark Twain  others had intentionally jumped to their death. After these
                                       remarked that it looked  occurrences, screens were added to the stairwells for safety
                                       like a “hollow over-    purposes.
                                       sized  chimney.”   His
                                       observation was well    In a world occupied with the removal of any reference to
                                       stated as the monument  God as it relates to government, the Washington Monument
                                       to honor Washington     has yet another little known fact. On the aluminum cap are
                                       was more of an eyesore  inscriptions of names and dates relating to the construction
                                       and embarrassment.      of the monument. On the other side is engraved in Latin ‘Laus
                                                               Deo’ – “Praise Be to God.” Each day, this tribute looks down
                                       It wasn’t until 1879 that  on our nation’s capital from the highest point in the city, yet
                                       construction resumed    few are aware of its presence.
                                       when Congress stepped
                                       in to fund construction,  Although the Washington Monument has a commanding
                                       and the Army Corp       presence, it is not impervious to the test of time. In August
                                       of   Engineers    was   2011, an earthquake in Virginia caused damage to the
                                       tasked with overseeing  monument, and it had to be closed for repair until May 2014.
                                       the work. In 1884,       In September 2016, it again had to be closed because of
                                       the monument was         mechanical failure in the elevator. The monument reopened
                                       completed, rising to     in 2019.
                                       a height of 555 feet 5
                                       1/8 inches, and would    Often time words become prophetic. At the dedication of the
                                       hold the distinction     monument, a speech by former Speaker of the House Robert
                                       of being the world’s     Winthrop was read that stated: “The storms of winter must
                                       tallest structure until  blow and beat upon it … the lightning of heaven may scar
                                       –Š‡   ‹ơ ‡Ž  ‘™‡” ™ƒ•    and blacken it. An earthquake might shake its foundation …
                                       completed three years    but the character which it commemorates and illustrates is
                                       later in Paris. Just as it is  secure.”

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 8                                        April/May 2024   Volume 100 No.2
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