Page 8 - MFM August 2015 BCD X rev b
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Montana Freemason                                                                                                                                                                                         August 2015  Volume 91 Number 2

CJ- - : A constitutional amendment adding a definition of “written ballot” which                                                                                                                                       PASSED
includes balloting by electronic means.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Holdover to 150th
Arrest of Sandstone Lodge No. Charter upheld, resulting in the revocation of its
charter by Grand Lodge per Section                                                                       .                                                                                                             UPHELD

                                  LODGES	NOT	REPRESENTED

   e following Lodges were not represented at the Annual Communication: Montana No. 2; Flint Creek
No. 11*; Mystic Tie-Riverside No. 17; Mount Moriah No 24; Benton No. 25*; Glendive No. 31*; Acacia No.
33*; Ruby No. 36; Chinook No. 50*; Augusta No. 54*; Ponemah No. 63; Unity No. 71; Terry No. 74; Sand-
stone No. 84*; Saints John No. 92; Scobey No. 109; Ekalaka No. 120; Rapelje No. 122; Park No. 140*.
*was not represented during the 147th and 148th Annual Communication.

                                               EFFECTIVE	DATE
Actions accepted and adopted at the 149th Annual Communication became in force and e ect at close of
the Communication.

                                    Grand Lod-ge Officers

                                    Elected Grand Lodge Officers

        LRGBJBeerreefiuwfiradrcanieeslLydJKW..HLGM...aSaLArumraardndhipidtatnhhieey(,r(rIs(Io(I/n)))((/     )                                                                                          )               JGDGSGuerrrennaaapiinnnouodddrtryGSMTGGerrraecarasarnantesneddutrdaWrWreMyarararddsetenenr

                   Appointed Grand Lodge Officers

        CDGDLADMEBJFLorea.rllaoaahoaiaiwn“rvnfaunnenBfcyiniigkadeeeiRBTLltlTFlFWLrhDa.”oJuordluFo.naeuM.pdesnGrntgNnhoobmcukaRbyyr(hhorraabe(.b(dp((/crrDelhihen)r((y/eag)))e(rh/(r(l/()q())u)))//ist   )  )           GGGGGGGJJSASGuueesrrrrrrrrnnnnsaaaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnnoosootddddddddrrrraGGnPTCMSSOHGGwttyurrhrrriaalsaaGraagoanertnnsnnaprsorrdudddnhddalraianiiavrBSDsiaSDldadnttnteeneeeaBSawawtrececeaacoaorrrrnrnddeetrary


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