Page 190 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 190

177 The Cornelius Hedges Story

    In a presentation on the history of the First Presbyterian Church
of Helena, Thomas V. Moore, D. D., on June 20th, 1897, made the
following comments about Judge Hedges.
 “Here let me pause to record the tribute which history renders to
the fidelity in these times of one man in the church. The records
show that for many months at a time after his election in 1876,
Judge Hedges was often the only available elder. During the long
absence and illness of brothers Pyle and Williams, and for a year
after Mr. Pyle ‘s death, the responsibility of the eldership rested
practically upon him alone. Amid general discouragement, through
many vicissitudes and great troubles, let it ever be remembered to
the honor of our present senior elder, that he never despaired or
refused to stand in the place to which the church had called him.” 540

    The following address was delivered by Judge Cornelius Hedges
at the Twenty-fifth Anniversary celebration of the First Presbyterian
Church of Helena.
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