Page 202 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 202

189 The Cornelius Hedges Story

    An erroneous report of Judge Hedges’ death even reached E.
T. Carr, 33, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, A. &A.S.R., in
Leavenworth, Kansas. Carr wrote to Toby expressing condolences
and requesting a personal history. The next day, he wrote another
letter expressing relief that his first report had been in error.546

    However, Cornelius Hedges’ temporal joys and pleasures were
by no means at an end. In 1903, he gained restored health, and
with much pride returned to New Haven, Connecticut, in the early
summer to attend the 50th Anniversary of his Yale graduating class.
In his own words:

        “It was a great privilege and pleasure to return after fifty
   years to our old college and renew the acq­ uaintances formed a
   half century ago though under greatly changed conditions.”547
    On July 17, 1906, Edna and Cornelius Hedges, with great
pleasure, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in Helena.
All of their living children were in attendance at the celebration; Will
Hedges from his ranch in Fergus County, Henry H. Hedges from
his ranch in Valley County, Mrs. Emma Woodbridge from Boston,
Massachusetts, and Mrs. Edna Cornelia Palmer and Cornelius
Hedges, Jr., both of whom lived in Helena.548
    On their 50th anniversary, 50 members of Commandery No. 2
of the Knights Templar in full dress uniform visited the Hedges to
pay honor to their Past Grand Commander and current Secretary
Cornelius Hedges and his wife. Just one of the many demonstrations
of the esteem in which he was held.
    One item proudly displayed by Judge Hedges was a walking
stick that he had presented to his father, Dennis. In 1874 the mother
and father of Cornelius Hedges celebrated their golden wedding.
Judge Hedges as a memento of the event had made by W. G. Bailey,
then the leading jeweler of Helena, a walking stick with a silver
stock and a gold head. William G. Bailey who made the cane was
born in Michigan in 1849. He arrived in Virginia City about a month
after Hedges. In 1879, W. G. Bailey was added to the list of Helena
jewelers. Bailey later became director of the Union Bank in Helena.
He died in 1920 at the age of 81.
    The cane was presented by Judge Hedges to his father and on
the death of Mr. Hedges the cane into the possession of the Judge. It
was admired by many friends on the events of the now anniversary
of Judge and Mrs. Hedges.
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