Page 253 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 253

For This And Succeeding Generations  Gardiner 240

21. Wyllys A. Hedges, “Cornelius Hedges,” Contributions to the Historic
    Society of Montana, Vol. VII., p. 182. and Journals of Cornelius Hedges,
    August 27, 1881, this entry records a return visit to Berlin, Connecticut.

22. Wyllys A. Hedges, “Cornelius Hedges,” Contributions to the Historic
     Society of Montana, Vol. VII., p. 183, and Journals of February &
     March 1863.

23. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, April 8, 1863, and entries for April 4,6, 10, 14
    and May 1, 4-6, 8-9, 1863, for additional efforts to make the house and yard
    homey and enjoyable.

24. Cornelius Hedges, Jr., to M.M. Miller, October 2, 1907, correspondence of the
   Grand Secretary. Letter Box 1907. Grand Lodge Archives.

25. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, April 17, 1863.
26. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, August 4 1863,for an example, he stacked

    wheat and oats for Dr. Bryant and took his pay in wood.
27. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, July 21, 1863.
28. Ibid, March 21, April 13, 16 and 22, 1863.
29. Ibid, April 23, 1863.
30. Ibid, May 19, 1863.
31. Ibid, June 11, September 23, and October 10,1863.
32. Ibid, July 29, 1863.
33. Ibid, February 13, 1864.
34. Brief Sketch of the Life of Wyllys A. Hedges. This is an undated, handwritten,

    autobiographical MS with no page numbers, in the possession of the Montana
    Historical Society.
35. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, front pages of 1864.
36. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, April 20, 1864.
37. James M. Hamilton, From Wilderness to Statehood: A History of Montana,
   1805-1900, p. 277.
38. The account of Hedges westward trek is taken from his journals, April 20 to
    July 13, 1864.
39. Journals of Cornelius Hedges, July 14, 1864. The Lodge he attended was
    either Virginia City #43, chartered by the Grand Lodge of Kansas or Montana
    #9, chartered by the Grand Lodge of Colorado.
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