Page 320 - Cornelius Hedges Story
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307 The Cornelius Hedges Story

They have shown that the home-made article has not deteriorated.
Though by resolution of the year previous, the Grand Lodge has been
located at Helena for five years, yet the next Annual Communication
was fixed to meet at Missoula.
It was also voted that hereafter the printing of the annual proceedings
should be done in Montana, provided it could be done within 25
per cent of what it cost in the States. We have found on trial that it
costs very little, if any, more, while it hastens publication and gives
greater facility in correcting proof.
During the Grand Mastership of Brother Hathaway Masonry
continued its steady growth. In July, 1888, the Grand Lodge was
called together in special communication to lay the corner stone of a
Masonic Temple in Dillon. Deputy Grand Master Logan presided on
the occasion and there was a large gathering of the local craft and not
a few from outside. Besides the usual Masonic ceremonies, a band
of music escorted the members to the site selected. The building to
be erected was to be of stone and brick, two stories, the first for rent,
while the second story furnished ample room for Masonic purposes
for many years to come. The Masonic ceremonies were followed by
an address, and in the evening there was an elegant banquet at the
Opera House.
Agreeably to the vote of the Grand Lodge at its previous
Communication, the Twenty-fourth Annual Communication was
held in Missoula, commencing at 5 P. M., October 3, 1888. Grand
Master Hathaway was absent, being detained by the duties of his
civil office, and Deputy Grand Master Logan presided. The chartered
lodges had increased to thirty, with two others U. D. The membership
had increased to 1,541 and the dues paid to $2,982. All but one of
the lodges was represented, but they were late in getting together.
The Grand Master’s address was read by the Deputy, and notices
the death of Brother Robb Morris, who had been with us the year
before. Two new lodges were organized U. D., one to be known as
Ruby at Granite, a rich quartz mining camp; the other at Lewiston,
the county seat of Fergus County, rich in agricultural and stock
raising resources. A revised edition of the constitution, by-laws,
standing resolutions and approved decisions was prepared and 1,000
copies published by the Grand Secretary. This was the last year that
our printing was done east, having found publishers close at home
willing to undertake to do good work at the rates prescribed by vote
of the Grand Lodge.
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