Page 35 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 35

For This And Succeeding Generations  Gardiner 22

It is a pretty hard country to get a start in, but after being once
started it is pretty easy to make headway, if one is careful - I am
satisfied with what I have done since I came up here - I lost all I
made last season entire - But I learned by it & will try to keep clean
in the future.

Life is full of danger here - We have lots of men who are ready
to murder for a few dollars. Only yesterday a man was shot not
half a mile from a town in open day & robbed of all his money -
He started on foot a few minutes ahead of the stage & was to get
aboard when it overtook him - They found him lying in the road
Twenty men were out hunting the murderer yesterday but have not
found him yet if found he won’t see sunrise again - Civil law is but
little guarded - Men protect themselves & hanging or shooting is
the general remedy. . . .

I wish I could have some apples & cider once in a while - I dreamed
the other night of eating apples. It is the nearest I have come to
having any for a long time - This is the season of the year that I
always loved at home, I would like to help father through his fall
work, gathering corn & potatoes & apples - How strange it all
seems I never see a fruit tree of any kind - There is nothing but
pine here - I am one of the county commissioners here now - I
was candidate for District Attorney on the Union ticket - I expect
I am defeated as the south are much the strongest in this section-
I would like to hear from you very much & all the neighbors &
relatives. . . .

With Much Love Yours Truly Cornelius Hedges 64
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