Page 44 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 44

31 The Cornelius Hedges Story

            Accomplishment and Contribution

    On November 20, 1868, Cornelius Hedges began a labor of love
that was to last the remainder of his life. On that evening, he
was chosen Chairman of a committee to solicit subscriptions and
also draft a constitution for the Helena Library Association.

    At its organizational meeting, December 5, he was chosen
Vice-president and about one year later he was elected President.88
Speaking of his father’s life-long interest in the Library, Will referred
to the Helena Public Library as a:

     “Monument to Judge Hedges interest in the educational and
substantial matters concerning Helena, which he wanted to become
a city of homes, with citizens of the most desirable and substantial

    The greatest tribute paid Hedges with respect to the Library, in
my estimation, was a silent tribute. On the day of his funeral, out of
respect to its founder, the entire Helena Public Library was closed
from noon to 6 p.m.90

    For some reason, unexplained in his journal, Hedges declined the
nomination as Probate Judge at the Republican County Convention
on June 19, 1869.91

    The summer of 1869 brought unexpected pleasure into Cornelius
life in the form of a surprise visit from his dad, Dennis Hedges. The
elder Hedges arrived in Helena on July 24, and when he left to start
home on August 11, Cornelius, seemingly gratefully and admiringly,
entered in his journal “It seemed like a dream.” 92
One of the first entries Hedges made in journal for 1870 was:

   “I am going to try to do more thinking this year.”93
    In light of the influential suggestion which he made later on
in the year - the National Park idea -one could easily assume he
fulfilled his goal.
    The extent of Hedges civic contributions were again demonstrated
in March, 1870. On the 12th of that month, the citizens of Helena
held a protest meeting against Indian depredations.
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