Page 63 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 63

For This And Succeeding Generations  Gardiner 50

   our mountains is enough precious metals to pay all the debts
   of the world and fill everyone’s pockets besides. Masonry and
   our Grand Lodge have a career proportioned to the area and
   resources of Montana. We have no occasion to envy others.”200

     The First Legislative Assembly was scheduled to convene on
November 23, 1889, but it was not until December 19, that the
Republican Senators organized to transact some business. Efforts for
organization of the entire Senate had been thwarted by boycotting
Democratic Senators. On that day, Lt. Gov. J. E. Rickards, President
of the Senate, appointed Hedges to the Committee on Rules.201

    On December 30, Hedges’ patience was wearing thin, he wrote:
“Most of the day spent in caucus and taking compromise - It came
to nothing, thoroughly disgusted and will try no more.” On the 31st,
the Republican members of both houses met in joint session and
proceeded to elect U.S. Senators. Hedges supported W. F. Sanders,
who was elected on January 1, 1890.

    The next day T. C. Powers was elected. Although they were
contested by W. A. Clark and Martin Maginnis for Montana’s seats
in Washington, they were eventually seated.202

    On the 15th of January, he commented that he was appointed to
all the Senate Committees which he wanted without any previous
request.203 On February 8, after Senator William S. Becker had been
brought back to Helena under guard, Hedges wrote:
 “Great Day in Senate, Becker brought back on special -Released
 from contempt of Legislature till 2/12 but contemplated nothing -
 Trusted Becker’s word that he would be present Monday.”

    But when Becker left the state, Hedges exhibited his indignation
and anger in his journal. To Hedges, honor was a sacred virtue and Sen.
Becker had violated it. In bold strokes he wrote ‘‘When we met today
found that Becker had skipped -All confusion”204 On the 18th, Hedges
“was appointed by the Republican Senators to address the people of
Montana and explain the situation to them.205 The session expired
by law on February 20, without any organization of the Senate.206
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