Page 84 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 84

71 The Cornelius Hedges Story

    There were also some occasions when he “indulged in slight
dissipation.” On October 27, 1881, he confided in his journal,
“Templar Encampment” in the afternoon - Went out to Nick
Kessler’s… Too much beer most made me sick.”259

    Another instance of this concern care after Edna Cornelia had
broken an engagement with Mr. French in 1889. Hedges wrote, with
justifiable pride:

   “But as I feel for Edna’s disappointment and even humiliation,
   I am glad at the bottom of my heart there is hardly a man living
   worthy of that girl and I feel almost selfish enough to hope that
   she will never fancy another man, enough to be engaged to him
   - A great mistake has been corrected.”260
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