Page 98 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 98

85 The Cornelius Hedges Story

    The efforts of all concerned in promoting “the National Park
idea” culminated in the passage of the act of dedication setting the
Yellowstone area aside for the public on March 1, 1872.308

    In 1896, Judge Hedges reflected and commented on Yellowstone
Park, the Washburn party, and his own National Park idea. In a
distinct air of modesty, he wrote:

   “The members of the Washburn Party of 1870, who first
   suggested and labored successfully with the others to make
   known the wonders of the region and secure its dedication
   for a National Park, “built even better than they knew.” They
   thought chiefly of the wonders on canon, falls, lake, mountain,
   boiling springs of infinite variety, and the crowning wonder of
   all, the great geysers, throwing vast volumes of boiling water
   hundreds of feet into the air, eclipsing those of Iceland, and of
   the healthful pleasure to future generations in visiting this cool
   region during the heated season. But undoubtedly its utility to
   the great central arid region surpasses all other considerations,
   and renders its preservation as near as possible in a state of nature
   undisturbed, a safe and secure retreat for the great game that
   but for this last resort would in all probability be soon extinct,
   a sacred trust for our national government. While some think
   it wasteful or unjustifiable use of public money to expend in
   opening and improving such a vast area as a people’s pleasure-
   ground, further consideration will satisfy the worst fault-finder
   that his expenditure is more than justified on prudent business
   principles. What would otherwise be spent on foreign travel will
   more and more be retained at home in visiting our own Alpine
   region, Where are congregated living pictures by the hand of
   the Creator, far more numerous, sublime and beautiful than
   those contained in all the museums of the Old World.”309
    Then he added an auxiliary, but interesting, observation and
   “And when this travel has increased that horses and bicycles
   can no longer suffice, there is enough power that could be
   taken conveniently from the upper Falls of the Yellowstone,
   and converted to electrical power, to propel cars to every
   portion of the Park. All are agreed that steam cars, with their
   dangers of spreading fires, and their noise in scaring the game,
   should never be admitted to the Park; but these objections do
   not apply, at least in much less degree, to electric cars.” 310
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