Page 25 - MFMJan 2016
P. 25

Montana Freemason  January 2016                                Volume 92 Number 1

                                   Ionic Lodge No. 38

                                                    Hamilton, Montana October 10, 2015
                                                    The first corner stone ceremony in the territory was
                                                    presided over by Most Worshipful Grand Master
                                                    Weston for the old Masonic Temple in Helena, laid
                                                    by Grand Master Weston on June 24, 1872. Today we
                                                    have assembled here at the Ionic Lodge No. 38 Masonic
                                                    Temple building to continue this tradition.
                                                     It has been a time honored custom of the Grand Lodge
                                                    of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Montana,
                                                    upon due invitation to assemble the Craft and, with
                                                    appropriate ceremonies, dedicate and rededicate
                                                    Masonic cornerstones and buildings, such as the
                                                    Hamilton Masonic Temple. Which has served this
                                                    community for so many years, and we are assembled
                                                    here today for that purpose.

                                                                                   - Brian J. Murphy, MWGM

The Cornerstone of the Ionic Lodge Masonic
building (115 South 3rd St.), was layed on October
6, 1915. Today we commemorate the 100th
Anniversary of this Masonic Building which has
served the residents of Hamilton, Montana, since

                   MWGM Brian Murphy officiated over the re-dedication
                   ceremony. Here, MWPGM Tom Lund applies the Square
                   to cornerstone. “To square our actions by the square of
                   virtue and to prove our work.”

                   Doug Frank, Grand Pursuivant applies an
                   element of consecration. Wine as an emblem
                   of refreshment. May those who enter here
                   be blessed by good health and happiness.

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