Page 37 - MFMJan 2016
P. 37

Montana Freemason  January 2016  Volume 92 Number 1

                           Ritualist Certification “D” – Hiramic Legend
                            YOUR NAME: _______________________

Instructions: Complete one part in the first table. Then, complete one part in either the second or third
table. When you have completed these, you will have achieved one of four certifications available! None of
the four separate certifications is “higher” than another: all are necessary for a Lodge’s vibrant health. You
may perform more than one part in each table for your own satisfaction and your Lodge’s benefit.

Your part is considered “proficient” and ready to be certified when:
• You can perform it correctly with minimal to no mistakes (3 or less)
• You can perform it with minimal to no prompts (3 or less)
• You can perform it without reading it (but your certifier may read for accuracy)

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