Page 17 - MFM July Aug 2022 W.indd
P. 17

Bozeman York Rite Sponsors Annual 1717 Banquet

      Mark Killip,  Junior Wƒ”†‡  ‘œ‡ƒ  ‘†‰‡ ͙͗͠Ǥ

       ƒ•–  ƒ›ǡ –Š‡  ‘œ‡ƒ  ‘”  ‹–‡ „‘†‹‡• Š‘•–‡† –Š‡‹”       Such is the picture we must keep before our eyes when
     third annual Masonic 1717 event in Bozeman, and what an    we think of Masonry as it was in the beginning of the
     event it was.  The food was outstanding, and the period,  eighteenth century. Here and there, scattered about
     micro-brewed beer was second to none.  Providing the       over the Kingdom, were isolated lodges; in some cases
     main course of whole hog complete with apple in mouth  the membership was wholly Operative, so that every
     was Worshipful Brother Brian Engle from Big Timber’s       member was engaged in the building trade; in other
      ‘”‹…  ‘†‰‡ ͗͛͝ǡ ‘™‡” ‘ˆ  ‹‘‡‡”  ‡ƒ–•ǡ ™Š‹…Š ™ƒ•         cases non-Operative (Speculative) members made up
     †‡˜‘—”‡† ‹ ‹–• ‡–‹”‡–›Ǥ  ‘’’‹‰ –Šƒ– ‘ơ ™ƒ• •—’‡”„ …”ƒˆ–  a portion of the membership, and in a very few cases
     beer brewed by our very own Brothers Colin Rue and Will    all of it. The general unity of the Craft was somewhat
      Š‘’•‘ ˆ”‘  ‘œ‡ƒ  ‘†‰‡  ‘Ǥ ͙͠Ǥ  ”…Š‡•–”ƒ–‹‰          maintained by adherence to the old customs and by
     this event was Worshipful Brother                          use of the Old Charges, which, in many cases one may
     Mark St. John, who worked                                  suppose, functioned much as charters do now.
     tirelessly at putting this together
     and making it happen once again.                            – ™ƒ• ‹ –Š‡ ‹†•– ‘ˆ •—…Š …‹”…—•–ƒ…‡• –Šƒ– –Š‡ Ƥ”•–
     Behind the scenes cooking up the                            ”ƒ†  ‘†‰‡ ™ƒ• ‘”‰ƒ‹œ‡† ‹  ‘†‘ǡ ͙͙͟͟Ǥ  ‘ǡ ‘  –Ǥ
     root vegetables was Worshipful                              ‘Š –Š‡  ƒ’–‹•–ǯ•  ƒ›ǡ ‹ –Š‡ ͛†  ‡ƒ” ‘ˆ  ‹‰  ‡‘”‰‡
      ”‘–Š‡”   ‹„   —”–‹•Ǥ   ƒ•–‡” ‘ˆ                           I, A.D. 1717, the Assembly and Feast of the Free and
     Ceremonies      was     Worshipful                          ……‡’–‡†  ƒ•‘• ™ƒ• Š‡Ž† ƒ– –Š‡  ‘‘•‡ ƒ†  ”‹†‹”‘
     Brother Matt Sonnichsen who led                             Ž‡ǦŠ‘—•‡ ‹  ‘†‘Ǥ  – ™ƒ• Š‡”‡ ƒ– –Š‡  ‘‘•‡ ƒ†
     the gathering in several rounds of                          ”‹†‹”‘  –Šƒ–  –Š‡  ˜‡”› Ƥ”•–   —ƒ”–‡”Ž›   ‘—‹…ƒ–‹‘
     toasts.  Brother Matt also opened                          ‘ˆ –Š‡  ”ƒ†  ‘†‰‡ ‘ˆ  ‰Žƒ† ™ƒ• Š‡Ž† ‘ –Š‡ ͚͜–Š ‘ˆ
     the   lodge    recreating   ancient                        June, 1717.
     Masonic symbols drawn in the dirt
     ƪ‘‘” ‘ˆ ƒ Žƒ”‰‡ ”‡…–ƒ‰—Žƒ” „‘š ȋƒ•                        Almost the only source of knowledge we possess of
     was the tradition back then) under                         –Š‡  ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘  ‘ˆ  –Š‡  Ƥ”•–   ”ƒ†   ‘†‰‡  ƒ”‡  –Š‡  ’ƒ‰‡•
     the glow of candles illuminating the                       ‘ˆ  †‡”•‘ǯ•  ‘•–‹–—–‹‘•ǡ –Š‡ ͙͛͟͠ ‡†‹–‹‘Ǥ  ˆ–‡”
     entire dining room.                     Bryan Kirkland     ƒŽŽǡ  ‹– ™ƒ•  ͙͛͟͠ ƒ†  –Š‡•‡ ’‘‘”  •‘—Ž•  Šƒ† ‘ ƒ……‡•• –‘
                                                                computers or the internet.
      The 1717 event serves as Bozeman’s York Rite fundraiser
     with the proceeds going to support the activities of the   There were doubtless numerous lodges in or about
     chapter.                                                    ‘†‘ǡ „—– ‘Ž› ˆ‘—” ™‡”‡ ‹˜‹–‡† –‘ ’ƒ”–‹…‹’ƒ–‡ ‹ –Š‡
                                                                ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ  ”ƒ†  ‘†‰‡ǡ ‘” ‡Ž•‡ ˆ‘” •‘‡ ”‡ƒ•‘ –Š‡
                                     In attendance were         names of other participating lodges were omitted from
                                    Masons from all parts of    –Š‡ ”‡…‘”†•Ǥ   ……‘”†‹‰ –‘ –Š‡  ‰”ƒ˜‡†  ‹•– ‘ˆ ͙͚͟͡
                                    Montana for a total of      –Š‡ Ž‘†‰‡ ™Š‹…Š ‡– ƒ–  –Š‡   ‘‘•‡  ƒ†   ”‹†‹”‘  ™ƒ•
                                    over 80. It was a great  constituted in 1691.  1691.  That was awhile ago.
                                    time for refreshment and
                                    camaraderie, and just       It was an interesting time in Masonry as we shifted from
                                    great getting to know       the Operative model to what we are today.
                                    some really outstanding
                                    people. If you missed it,
                                    don’t worry. We have
                                    already scheduled the
                                    fourth one for May of
                                    ͚͚͛͘Ǥ  Š‹• „ƒ“—‡– ‹•
                                    open to all Masons from
                                    the youngest Entered
                                    Apprentice up to the
                                     ”ƒ†  ƒ•–‡”Ǥ
              Bro’s. Jay & Troy

      The year 1717 is a date that lives in infamy for Masons
     around the globe. That was the year Masons began to
     organize, and that organization started in England.
     There was much less standardization and uniformity in
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