Page 7 - MFM March 2016
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Montana Freemason  March 2016  Volume 92 Number 2

All Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Worshipful Masters Wardens, Treasurers,
Secretaries and Past Masters of Constituent Lodges of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons of Montana, who are in good standing, are hereby summoned to attend the
150th Annual Communication to be held on June 23, 24 and 25, 2016 at the Radisson Colonial
Hotel in Helena, Montana.
Every Brother entitled to vote at the Annual Communication shall “due answer make” by
attendance, with illness or other reason which puts attendance beyond the length of his cabletow
alone excusing him. Worshipful Masters and Wardens unable to attend will appoint qualified
Proxies to vote in their stead.
Each Chartered and duly constituted lodge shall be represented in Grand Lodge. All Master
Masons in good standing of recognized Lodges are cordially invited to attend.

                                                                                   Brian J. Murphy
                                                                                    Grand Master

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