Page 3 - MFM Nov Dec 2017.indd
P. 3

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                                           Table of Contents

                    4.     Greetings from the Grand Master

                    5.     152nd Annual Session Information

                    7.     Masonic College Schedule 2017 - 2018

                    8.     The Hands of the Workmen, Anthony H. Barret

                    9.     GrandView Membership Program

                    10.    Brother Claude Herman Monroe

                    12.    The Ancient Constitutions

                    16.    The Spirit of Freemasonry

                    19.    HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh
                           HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Grand Master of UGLE

                    20.    Montana Masonic Youth Convention

                    24.    Freemasonry and the Wise Men

                    26.    Early Workshops of Freemasonry

                    28.    Freemasonry’s Workshops Evolve

                    29.    The Masonic Hospital Visitation Program - Montana

                    30.    Masonic Education the Future of Our Masonic Workshops

                    34.    8th Annual Grand Master’s Roaming Outdoor Lodge

                    38.    Cornelius Hedges and Our National Parks

                    39.    The 1919 Club

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