Page 12 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
P. 12

Montana Freemason                              March 2014	            Volume 90 Number 1
IMPERIAL POTENTATE MADSEN: Thank you. great state, you can see that we are represented in a
I need opposition. Imperial Sir Raoul.                  complete an joint effort. The other two potentates
                                                        are here with me, joining me in this effort. I have
IMPERIL SIR RAOUL L. FREVEL, SR.: Thank you, been asked to express our position, but please know
Imperial Sir. In all due respect to my good colleague that we speak with one voice.
Eric Anderson, who I have a tremendous amount Wecomeheretodayrepresentingthewishesofour
of respect for, we can say this about a number of Nobles. I stand not only as a potentate, an Imperial
Grand Lodges. But, you know, gentlemen, we Representative, a sponsor of this legislation, and a
passed legislation yesterday that was needed, as Montana Noble, but as a past master of my lodge, I
Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder said, the Grand Haling sign am my lodge’s instructor, I am the secretary of the
went out and we took care of that. This here is just Butte Valley of Scottish Rite, and I am a Mason, and
another, and then next year five more, and then ten I am proud of it. In the Masonic year of 1995 and
more. When we separated from the Scottish and ‘96, the seated Grand Master implemented one-
Rite in the year 2000, we were going to grow by day classes. These have existed until this Masonic
great numbers.                                          year in one form or another. The requirement of
We blame everybody but ourselves. It’s not the these classes was to have a brother conform to the
Grand Lodge and the Scottish and York Rite, it’s petitioning procedure, dedicated by the Montana
our fault. They’re out there. They have to fix the code, but it was silent on the proficiency. The Grand
problem in Montana by putting the right people Lodge line of today have decided to kick out these
in office and turn things around. The other two brethren who have not completed their proficiency
temples in Montana aren’t up here doing that.           in said degrees. This decision on the part of the
Gentlemen, the highest honor I ever received was Grand Lodge line results in the expulsion of 325
on June 2nd, 1972, when I was raised to the Sublime Nobles of the Craft, many of whom have been
Degree of a Master Mason. Not being potentate Masons close to 13 years. These brothers will not
or Imperial Potentate. And we cannot lose the receive due process, but will be notified by mail that
principles of Masonry, and I would suggest you vote they are no longer Masons. And, consequently, not
this legislation down. Thank you. (Applause.)           able to obtain or maintain Shriner membership.
                                                        Many of these brothers have taken an active part in
IMPERIAL POTENTATE MADSEN: Anybody their respective lodges and temples, and have done
want to speak in favor? Okay. Call the question. All so in good faith. The have all paid yearly dues, and
in favor raise your books. All opposed, up. It got the Grand Lodge has charged them per capita every
defeated. Thank you.                                    year, year after year. They have received dues cards.
                                                        The Grand Lodge has recorded them as members
   The following is taken from the 2008 Imperial        of tIhceofurladtegroniotny. and tell you of numerous incidents
Session in St. Louis, MO, the following was also        of the potentates and divan of all three temples
proposed by the Shrine Centers in Montana.              making trips to the Grand Lodge officers, but there

ARTICLE 23, Temple Membership Section 323.3. isn’t time here today. We have attempted to reason
Prerequisite for Membership.                            with them on this and other issues to no avail. They
(a)	 No change.                                         have clear that they have no interest in working
(b)	 No. Change.                                        with us. Our own Imperial Sirs Bernie Lemieux and
(c)	 Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in Jack Jones met with the Grand Master and grand
subsection (a) and (b) above, Al Bedoo Shriners, secretary of Montana in an attempt to resolve this
Algeria Shriners and Bagdad Shriners may accept issue. They also had no avail. This is why we are
a petition from a candidate that they deem worthy submitted Item Number 4 as the three Montana
even though he is not in good standing as a Master potentates having gaining overwhelming support
Mason of a lodge recognized by or in amity with the from our Nobles.
Conference of rand Masters of North America.            Are we killing Masonry in Montana? We say
                                                        no. We feel by adopting the rigorous investigation
NOBLE PAUL C. BEBO: Protocol having been of membership that we have today, as well as
established, I move that the adoption of Item promoting the teaching of Masonry in our temples,
Number 4 on the Call.                                   there will be every opportunity to have new Shriners
                                                        become Masons in time. As showing these good
NOBLE PAUL C. BEBO: Well, good morning, and men the brotherly love and social aspects of our
thank you for letting us talk on this item. Thank you, organization, it will be a natural procedure for them
Illustrious Sir. I am Paul C. Bebo of Bagdad Temple to search out and receive the teachings of Masonry.
oPafgBe 1u2tte, Montana. With the three temples in our  This is why, this is why truly exposing new
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