Page 20 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
P. 20

Montana Freemason                          March 2014	    Volume 90 Number 1

                   Whitefish Lodge No. 64 In The News

Whitefish Lodge #64 hosted a Lodge of Instruction,        Kalispell Lodge 152 hosted a dinner for Past Masters
Saturday, November 18 at the Kalispell Temple. Fifteen    on Thursday evening, November 14. Dinner was
Masons representing their Lodges were from Kalispell      prepared by SW Phil Jones (152) and his wife which
42 & 152, Bigfork 150, Eureka 93 and Whitefish 64. The    was a seafood boil and enjoyed by the 42 that were in
labor for the day was completing the examination          attendance. A challenge coin was presented to each
on the CONSTITUTION and CODE OF STATUES                   Past Master. After the dinner, Lodge was opened
which is a part of the qualifications for the Instructor  on the MM Degree with all Past Masters filling in
Certified Program. In addition the program is to          the offices. Twenty seven Masons were present for
assist members with having a better understanding         the meeting representing Kalispell Lodges 42 & 152,
of the CONSTITUTION and CODE OF STATUES                   Whitefish 64, Columbia Falls 89, Eureka 93, Scobey
which in turn will allow members to successful Lodge      109 and Bigfork 150. A great evening was enjoyed by
Management.                                               all and plans are to continue with a joint dinner next
Don Slaybaugh, PM                                         year.
                                                          Don Slaybaugh,PM

                   Ross C Jensen Chapter DeMolay
                              Officers 2014

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