Page 20 - MFM MARCH 2015
P. 20

The Montana Masonic Foundation

                  Announces Grant Awards

The Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc. is an IRS 501 (c) (3), non-profit charitable organization. It supports,
encourages and promotes free public education and schools through endowments, grants, scholarships, and
fellowships. The nonprofit organization has sponsored a reading achievement program within Montana Schools
for many years through its Bikes for Books and Kindles for Kids reading program. At its core, the Montana
Masonic Foundation is an organization created with gifts from generous people committed to local causes. For
donors, the Foundation serves as a philanthropic advisor. For the community, the Foundation serves as a grant
maker and a civic leader. Through the support of its donors and members of the Freemason fraternity, the
Foundation has been able to address some of the community’s most pressing needs, including hunger, housing
and education.
Is pleased to announce the award of the following Grants:

Broadwater Elementary - Helena 	        	 Music Program - Digital Curriculum - $2,456.00

Capital High School & Helena High School 	Robotics Class - Robotic accessories - $1,498.49

Cascade Public Schools -Cascade         Music Program - Digital Curriculum - $2,321.00

Cayuse Prairie School                   	 Music Program and a specialized music teacher - $7000.00

East Side Intermediate School-Livingston 	 Library - Books - $3000.00

Forsyth High School - Forsyth			        Drama-Stage Curtains - $2500.00

Frenchtown School - Frenchtown		        Library- Shakespeare in the School - $1,700.00	

Glacier High School-Columbia Falls      	 Library- Plays for Drama Class - $750.00

Jefferson Elementary School-Miles City  	 Library Books - $5000.00

North Middle School - Great Falls       	 Library books and Audio Books - $2,500.00

Shepherd Elementary School - Shepherd   Music Class - Activate! Magazine - $209.95

Sweet Grass High School - Big Timber    Music Program - Alto Saxophone - $1,685.00

Troy High School - Troy                 Library - Chromebooks - $5000.00

                                        Shelly Weight, Principal of the Forsyth High School, accepts
                                        a $2500.00 check from Don Holland and Billy Millhollin, for
                                        a grant from the Montana Masonic Foundation. This money
                                        will be used to help pay for much needed new stage backdrop
                                        curtains in the High School auditorium. Both Holland and
                                        Millhollin are past presidents of the Montana Masonic

  Bruce Carrier, member of Libby Lodge No. 85 in Libby,
  presents a check for $5,000.00 from the Montana Masonic
  Foundation to Kay Randall, the K-12 Librarian for Troy
  Schools. Troy High School will use the grant funding to
  purchase 35 Chromebook computers to provide digital
  media and Internet access to students. Matching grant funds
  were also provided by Revett Mining Inc.

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