Page 9 - MFM MARCH 2015
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Montana Freemason  March 2015                               Volume 91 Number 1

  As Masons, we can serve as catalysts for change and       and into our communities, which so desperately need
be facilitators of civil dialogue. We are well skilled and  our leadership? If so, then we, as The Freemasons of
aptly qualified to teach those in our midst the means       North America, will be true ambassadors of civility
of treating each other with dignity and respect.            in society. We can demonstrate our relevance in our
                                                            communities. We can say, with conviction that, due to
  And perhaps most importantly, we can be                   our efforts, our world is a better place.
instrumental in this effort because we have what I
refer to as a perfect and unique “delivery system” to         And then my brethren, may harmony forever prevail!
promote civil dialogue. In North America, we have           (This presentation was delivered by the author at the Conference
nearly one-and-a half million men who have each             of Grand Masters of North America in Baltimore in February,
taken an obligation to support each other and our           2014).
fellow citizens, utilizing a common language and a
system of morals and values. For example, when we,
as Masons, meet “on the level,” we set the stage for
a dialogue where every voice matters, We can share
this concept with others in an effort to improve our
world. As Masons, we are stewards of the language
of civility. But we cannot keep it hidden in our lodge
rooms. Our communities need what we have to offer.

  Together, as Masons, we can build a toolbox of
resources that can be used by Lodges and members
throughout North America to engage in civil dialogue
and create more effective communities.

  Think about how we might take the working tools
of Freemasonry to fill this symbolic toolbox with
implements that can be used to create and demonstrate
civil behavior. How might we utilize the plumb, square,
level, compasses, and even the trowel to illustrate and
explain to our non-Mason friends how to deal with
each other from a point of enlightenment?

  As the current and future leaders of our beloved
Craft, one of our roles is to engage more of our
members in our respective jurisdictions in the lifestyle
of Freemasonry. Perhaps our circling the wagons
around such a civility effort will mobilize some of
our less connected members. Didn’t we all become
Masons with the ideal of making the world better, by
making ourselves better men?

  Freemasonry provides the opportunity for ordinary                      W. Bro. Charles D. Moore
men, who hold a shared set of morals and values to                      70 Years as a Master Mason
do extraordinary things. And each of us has been            W. Brother Charles D. Moore is shown at the
honored with this very special opportunity. We must         achivement of 70 years as a Master Mason. He was
not let our brethren down. We cannot let society down.      raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in
                                                            Victory Lodge No. 124 on January 1, 1965. He is
  I therefore ask you, my brethren, if not us, then         a member of Unity Lodge No. 71; Lavina Temple
who? And if not now; well, I shudder to even consider       No. 101 and Capt. Scott Lodge No. 98. In 2002 he
the consequences of our inaction.                           was inducted into the Montana Masonic Hall of
  It is my hope, that we, as the leaders of our gently
Craft throughout North America, will have the                                                                                  Page 9
courage to incorporate our Masonic tools and Do
we have the fortitude to take full advantage of this
opportunity, to bring civility back into our society,
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