Page 4 - MFM May 2015 C
P. 4

Greetings from the Grand East

               Don Ceroski, Grand Master

                           Greetings Brethren,         Closing, I ask you all to remember in prayer; our
                           To the Masters, Wardens,    men and women, our sons and daughters, and
                           Secretaries, Treasures and  our brothers and sisters who so proudly wear
                           Brethren all; with-in the   the military uniform of our great country. Those
Grand Jurisdiction of Montana, I extend to you         who remain “on watch” on foreign and domestic
my personal invitation to attend and participate       soils in the name of the freedom we all cherish,
in the 149th Annual Communication of the               who are defending those who cannot defend
Grand Lodge A.F. & A. M. of Montana to be held         themselves, as well as the civilian personnel who
in Bozeman, MT on June 25-27, 2015.                    support them, and their families – may God, the
                                                       Supreme and Great Architect of the Universe,
                                                       forever keep them under His Care away from
                                                       all harm. Again let us pray that they may soon
                                                       return home safely to their families!
                                                       See you in Bozeman, Fraternally

We as a Craft have before us Committee Reports         Don Cerovski, Grand Master
to accept and Legislation to deliberate and ballot
upon, to which our Fraternities future is based
on, your attendance, is needed.
During the communications there will be several
bodies of our Masonic Fraternity contributing
to education and entertainment. Thursday
evening June 25, 2015 at the Grand Master’s
Banquet, Sapphiria Temple Daughters of the
Nile Drummers will be performing followed
by the Al Bedoo Oriental Band and their dance
troupe. On Friday June 26, 2015, I have asked
that the Montana DeMolay present Degree work
in the Grand Lodge Communications room
after lunch. The International Order of Rainbow
for Girls will conduct a presentation for the
Friday Ladies luncheon. Remember that we are
all one Masonic Family and everyone needs our
support, more especially our Masonic youth
groups as they are the future of Masonry.

Initiating my travels as Grand Master in June of
2014, I have been blessed with an exciting and
rewarding year and truly enjoyed, cherished and
appreciated my service to the craft. As I look
around to all the dedicated Masons of Montana it
is quiet pleasing to be part of this Great Fraternity
and be touched by so many knowledgeable and
talented Brothers, to all I say Thank You.

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