Page 13 - MFM Nov 2014
P. 13

MontanaMasonicCollege                                     Topics that will be covered include:
                                                                • Leadership
Lewis K. Smith RWSGW & Gerald Anderson RWJGW                    • Mentoring
   Planning is in the works to hold four Masonic                • Membership Development
                                                                • Membership Retention
Colleges in Montana during this Masonic year. The               • Secretary & Treasurer management
format has evolved slightly as we have spoken with              • Stated Meetings
three District Meetings on the proposed concept.                • Lodge Budgeting
We are currently looking at having the meetings take            • Masonic Observances
place in four host sites, one north, one south, one east        • Available Education
and one west. The District Officers in those areas are          • Communication and Social Media
contacting Lodges in those Districts to host the on-            • Conducting a Rusty Trowel meeting
site Colleges. In addition, we are looking to broadcast         • Drafting and submitting Resolutions
those colleges to at least two locations in each of the         • Masonic Hall of Fame Submissions
other Districts so that you do not have to travel all over      • Civility
the State to attend them. This will be done using Go To         • Lodge Adoption Program
Meeting, an internet based program which will allow             • Lodge Instructor management
the remote sites to view and hear the presentations.
Further, you will be able to ask questions by texting       For more information contact your District Officer or
the questions to the sites for the Speaker to address.      Lewis Smith, RW Sr. Gr. Warden at 406 560-1602 or
We will also have four Guest Speakers to talk about         Jerry Anderson RW Jr. Gr. Warden at 406 544-1038
such things as membership, retention and the meaning
of various Masonic topics at each College. There will
be a college in each of the months of January through
April, and the curriculum will be repeated at the March
and April Colleges in case you cannot attend the
January and February Colleges. If you would like to
present a topic or know someone who would be good
at presenting a topic, contact either of us by e-mail
or phone. We are in the Directory and on the Grand
Lodge Website.

The 2015 Masonic College is tentatively scheduled
for the following dates: January 10th, January 24th,
February 7th and February 21st.

The tentative locations are:
     • Glendive
     • Havre
     • Bozeman
     • Missoula

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