Page 23 - MFM Nov 2014
P. 23

Darryl Flowers, Sun Times   Now My Work Is Done
                                                                                     Now my work is done,
  Malmstrom AFB’s honor guard fired three salutary                                   fair winds and following seas
volleys toward the blue Montana sky followed by bugles                               new shores await me.
playing taps and the Soldiers carefully folded Bernier’s                             The immortality of man
flag into a tri-corner. Maj. Gen. Matthew Quinn, the                                 lies beyond the soul.
Montana National Guard’s adjutant general, presented                                 In the continuity of life
the flag to Sandi Jones, Bernier’s niece.                                            for as sure as Autumn fades
                                                                                     Spring is yet to bloom.
                                                          Darryl Flowers, Sun Times  With new horizons sought,
                                                                                     awash in a field of dreams.
                                                                                     Farewell my brother and friend,
                                                                                     Fair winds and following seas.
                                                                                     Look not behind
                                                                                     Soar onward and outward
                                                                                     Beyond the wildest reach
                                                                                     To the heavens afar.
                                                                                     Now my work is done,
                                                                                     fair winds and following seas
                                                                                     new shores await me.

                                                                                                                      Darryl Flowers, Sun Times

My Brethren, the roll of the workmen has been called,                                                                                            John Thompson, Grand Historian
and one more Master Mason has not answered to
his name. He has laid down the working tools of the
Craft and with them he has left that mortal part for
which he no longer has use.
His labors here below have taught him to divest his
heart and conscience of the vices and superfluities
of life, thereby fitting his mind as a living stone for
that spiritual building—that house not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens.
Strengthened in his labors here by faith in God,
and, confident of expectation of immortality, he has
sought admission to the Celestial Lodge above.

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