Page 4 - MFM Nov 2014
P. 4

GreeDtionngCsefrrooskmi, GthraendGMraanstderEast

Greetings Brethren

  So far this year I have had the opportunity to visit    When the seasonal mood strikes to think back on
17 Lodges and several other events such as the First    the year and its meaning, please consider the simple
Annual Montana Masonic Youth Convention and             basics and how important they are to Freemasonry.
the 150th Anniversary of Virginia City No. 1. I look
forward to many more visitations in the next few          As I close this correspondence, I would like to
months and the opportunity to have fellowship with      remind everyone of the importance of the required
you.                                                    observances that come about after the New Year. I
                                                        encourage all to find the internal drive to make the
  The Montana Masonic Youth Convention was the          occasions meaningful, and all Masonic functions.
first ever combined event of Montana DeMolay and
Job’s Daughters. I had the privilege of address the             Don Cerovski, Grand Master
group during the banquet and participate in the
Installation of the new DeMolay State Officer team.
I am so impressed with these young men young
ladies; they are a treasure for our fraternity. I have
also asked that Montana DeMolay attend our 149th
Annual Communication and again participate by
conducting a degree and visiting with the Craft.

  Virginia City was authorized to operate under
dispensation (U.D.) on December 7, 1863 and held
its first meeting (U.D.) on February 27, 1863. The
Lodge received its Charter on October 20, 1864, from
the Grand Lodge of Kansas as Virginia City No. 43.
It united January 24, 1866, with Montana No. 9 (now
No. 2) and Helena City No. 10 (now No. 3) to form
Grand Lodge of Montana. This Lodge was chartered
January 26, 1866 by the Grand Lodge of Montana
as Virginia City No. 1. This sesquicentennial event
is an significant milestone for the Grand Lodge of
Montana as it kicks of the commemorating Masonry
in Montana.

  With the Holidays fast approaching, I would like
to take a moment to reflect on the beauty of this time
of year. As we approach the end of the calendar year
brings Thanksgiving, Christmas (and other religious
observances), and the New Year Holidays. Our
traditional celebratory observances are centered
around family gatherings and enjoying friends. I
will have other messages that will be sent out dealing
with many of the upcoming holidays and events.

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