Page 6 - Nov Dec 2022 MFMW.indd
P. 6

Helena Masons Gift


                  to Montana Jewish Project

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      One month ago, the newly formed Montana Jewish               “Temple Emanu-El is the oldest synagogue in
     Project bought the original Jewish synagogue in Helena,      ‘–ƒƒ ƒ† ™ƒ• –Š‡ Ƥ”•– •›ƒ‰‘‰—‡ „—‹Ž– „‡–™‡‡
     MT, from the Catholic diocese (which had owned the          St. Paul, Minnesota, and Portland, Oregon, 120 years
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     was comprised mostly of Jewish masons from the 1860s        decision to sell the building to the state of Montana
     to the early 1900s). The original presumed menorah,         ˆ‘” ‘‡ †‘ŽŽƒ” ƒˆ–‡” –Š‡  ”‡ƒ–  ‡’”‡••‹‘Ǥ
                                                                   Helena’s Jewish community has been without a
     which the Scottish rite obtained at a certain point, is     local synagogue for decades. Fundraising is underway
     now back in the building!                                   to buy back a synagogue that’s been owned by the
                                                                 Catholic Diocese since the 1980s. The building was
      We are delighted and honored with the donation and         …‘˜‡”–‡† ‹–‘ ƒ –Š”‡‡Ǧ•–‘”› ‘ƥ…‡ „—‹Ž†‹‰ ƒ†
     stewardship of the Helena Scottish Rite Masons of           later sold to the Helena Catholic Diocese, which
     the original menorah, which belonged to the historical      —–‹Ž ”‡…‡–Ž› —•‡† ‹– ƒ• ‘ƥ…‡ •’ƒ…‡Ǥ  ‡Ž‡ƒǯ•  ‡™‹•Š
     congregation of the Emanu-El Temple. Evan Reba-             community jumped at the opportunity to buy the
     Jones (also a mason) spoke at their public Feast of         building when they heard that the Catholic Diocese
     Tishri to celebrate their gratitude and express their       would be willing to sell the building.
     heartfelt thanks to the Creator/Divine. Many early            The Montana Jewish Project signed an agreement
     Jewish settlers and congregants were Masons, and we         with the Catholic Diocese of Helena to acquire the
                                                                 building. The plan is to turn it into a Jewish Community
     are pleased to learn, share and celebrate our common        Center that can host religious celebrations, and
     history and values with all masonry bodies. We brought      cultural and educational events. “Our vision is to
     the menorah to the lending library and museum of the        use the building as it now exists and to grow and to
     Emanu-El Historical Temple.                                 build from there,” Stanfel says. “So, ultimately, do
                                                                 we want to carve back out a sanctuary? Absolutely.
                                                                 Is it going to be one giant space with 86-foot-high
                                                                 …‡‹Ž‹‰•ǫ  ‘Ǥdz ΐǤ

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