Page 20 - April May 2024 MFM.indd
P. 20

From the Editor
            Reid Gardiner
                                The Weight Of Things To Come

     Proposed resolutions are being offered and considered  In 1957, the Grand Lodge of Montana had 26,307
     during this time of the year. By analyzing past legislation,  members, its highest membership point 91 years
     we can see that numerous proposed legislative topics  after its formation. Upon reviewing our membership
     address the symptoms of an issue but fail to address       history, we recognize a noticeable trend. Shortly after,
     the actual cause or issue: membership.                     Montana’s membership began to decline and took a
                                                                significant hit in the 1960s.
     This  presentation aims to analyze whether  past
     legislation has been successful and to examine our  In the past 20-30 years, there have been numerous
     past better to find our way in the present and future.  commonly proposed resolution topics, such as:
     The included graphs visually  depict the correlation
     between increased legislation and membership decline       Combining the office of Secretary and Treasurer.
     (Figure 1 and Figure 2). In short, look at the graph of    The number required for a quorum.
     our membership by year; you will see a steep decline in    Making the Deputy Grand Master the Grand Master
     membership; then, ask yourself if we are on the right      elect.
     track:  did or would the proposed legislation improve  Simplifying balloting for Lodge officers, removing the
     things? Was there a difference between the actual and  need for multiple ballots.
     the desired effect?                                        Forgiving NPDs for reinstatement.
                                                                Simplifying proficiencies or eliminating proficiencies.
     If we take the time to look back through the years of our  Electing the JGW from a pool of candidates.
     Grand Lodge history within the “Annual Proceedings,”  Electioneering.
     we learn that during the first several years, legislation  Permit 18-year-olds to petition for membership.
     was conducted by the  giants of Montana Masonry,  Background Checks.
     who were the architects of Masonry in Montana; the  The per capita and dues topic has probably been the
     Grand Master, Committees, and other Grand Lodge            most discussed topic of legislation.
     Officers made recommendations. It is evident that
     they addressed many crucial issues in our Constitution  Although some of the proposed legislation was
     and Code of Statutes, and Masonry flourished.              accepted, others were not, and it often focused on the
                                                                symptoms of a problem.
     The members were more engaged in the  fraternity,
     making Masons, and building new Lodges  during the         The age requirement for membership petitions has
     great building era of the Grand Lodge of Montana,  been reduced to 18 years old, and despite receiving
     which spanned from 1866 to around 1960. They enjoyed  some young men, a few have joined.
     celebrating the brotherhood of the Craft and learning      We offered one-day classes. Receiving the degrees
     through Masonic education. It’s worth noting that          over time was dropped, or even in person, by letting
     Lodges only submitted a small number of proposed           someone else or in their place receive all the degrees
     resolutions before the 1960s.                              at once.
                                                                Guarding the West Gate has become less critical to some
     Since 1970, there has been a rise in the number of lodges  members who are okay with allowing those with felony
     proposing legislation, and although some  have  been  convictions to petition for the degrees of Masonry or be
     rejected, they have often been reintroduced in a similar  reinstated from a felony conviction.
     form in the years following. The repeated occurrence       It was said that lodges working with the Master Builder
     of this proposed legislation is unique because it wasn’t  program would gain community visibility and attract
     addressed in the first hundred-plus years.                 members.
                                                                Decades of debate and legislation have been devoted
     Understanding the decline in Grand Lodge membership        to the question of whether anyone who sells alcohol
     is crucial. As membership decreases, we see a rise in  should be a Mason, followed by years of discussion and
     proposed legislation that often seeks to diminish or       legislation on whether alcohol should be allowed at
     eliminate perceived obligations or alleviate an assumed    Masonic events.
     burden  from lodges. This trend is evident in our          Many lodges have been in crisis mode for some time,
     archives and written records, such as the proceedings,  and featured programs for a given year have resulted in
     which reflect the ongoing decrease in membership           more of a short-term solution.
     numbers. Over the last two or three decades, numerous  None of our Lodges miraculously had new members
     legislative proposals have been introduced on several      due to the positive image of Masons in movies or books.
     topics; frequently, the real issue was membership.         The decrease in members has a direct impact on the
                                                                per capita.
           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 20                                        April/May 2024   Volume 100 No.2
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