Page 21 - April May 2024 MFM.indd
P. 21

We will refrain from analyzing past resolutions’           When it came to the buildings of our ancient Craft
     specifics or any proposed legislation’s merits. The topic  Masons, every stone and every beam represented
     of electioneering serves as an illustration. We see in the  character and skill; in the highest type of architecture,
     proceedings that the first time the topic of electioneering  no part of the building was without purpose in the
     was addressed and recorded occurred in 1935 when the       completed whole. In its earliest days, the objective was
     following standing resolutions were adopted: Article       to expand membership and establish a lasting Masonic
     XXXVII-Prohibiting Soliciting of Petitioners and Article   structure.
     XXXVIII-Prohibiting Electioneering for Office. In 1935,
     there were 18,321 members in 146 Lodges.                   Frequently, the desire to propose legislation stems
                                                                from a difference of opinion that brings attention to a
     The next occurrence regarding electioneering occurred      topic, and suddenly, there is an overwhelming desire
     63 years later, in 1998, with Proposed Resolution 98-      to create legislation to address it, regardless of the
     14. In 1998, we had 9,515 members in 104 Lodges. The       actual need or consequences. We ought to place more
     topic of electioneering returns almost as often as the     emphasis on Worshipful Masters and Grand Masters to
     issue of per capita. The discussion of electioneering      provide good and wholesome instructions to the Craft.
     continues in different ways, but to what end? Consider
     that in 2024, we will have around 3,212 members in         Our history shows that Masonry is not dependent on
     77 lodges (or less), and more lodges will likely feel the  legislation for its existence. Lodges or Grand Lodge
     need to present proposed legislation on the topic. The     should be able to exist without legislating minor details
     analysis applies to other proposed resolution topics and   in the procedure and the life and conduct of members
     would be remarkably similar to the presented example.      and those who seek to unite the fraternity. Lodges have
                                                                the right to propose legislation, but they must consider
     We, as Masons, are taught to follow the Code and           membership and growth now more than ever.
     Constitution, the general rules, laws, and regulations
     of Freemasonry, and the Ancient Constitutions, which
     are the basis of our organization. By looking back at our              Hiram’s Burden of Time
     membership gains and losses and including a review of                         by: John A. Rose
     past proposed legislation, both Passed and Failed, you
     might ask if it contributed positively to the growth of a        Two-Hundred Years The Old Clock Ticked
     Lodge or Grand Lodge.                                                     And Never Missed A Day
                                                                           Never Missed A Moment’s Time
     External events are indeed a factor in declining                            It Toiled Without Pay
     membership. It is also possible that internal factors
     could cause the continual decline of membership.                        Hiram’s Task For Fifty Years
     Factors that could contribute include communication,                     From Father Passed To Son
     leadership and management, dissatisfaction, and                  To Hoist The Weight Which Made It Chime
     apathy. Over time, overcoming these is achievable but                     The Burden Made It Run
     will require much effort.
                                                                        Hiram’s Time And Strength Near Gone
                                                                              His Son Became Possessor
     The traditions and lessons of Freemasonry are meant to            To Pull The Weight And Guard The Clock
     have a profound effect on its members. The teachings                  ‘Til Another’s Named Successor
     and symbolism provide valuable lessons. Individually,
     the goal is to make oneself better. The purpose and                    Hiram’s Son - To Show His Love
     responsibility of a Lodge is to make Masons. The                       Unchained The Ancient Weight
     proposed legislation should improve lodge conditions;             To Give The Clock Rest Well  - Deserved
     instead, it should aim to stabilize and increase                     Having Worked Since Ancient Date
     membership. Most of you will recall MW Bro. Jack
     Levitt and his cautionary statement- “The standards               “Why Did You That?” The Old One Cried
     you set are the standards you get.”                                   “Neither I Nor Clock Can Thrive”
                                                                           “You’ve Removed The Very Thing
     How well have we done if we consider our 67 years of ever-            That Assured We Would Survive”
     decreasing membership to gauge the success of making                “I’ll Put It Back” The Young One Said
     Masons? Have the proposed resolutions prevented                        “And Pray That You Will Thrive
     membership loss? Did they help gain members or                         Now I Know It Was The Weight
     improve our lodges? The loss of membership and how                       That Kept You Both Alive”
     it was handled has caused unintended consequences.
     Is our Masonic edifice slowly being dismantled, tenet              “Gone The Weight Since Ancient Date”
     by tenet, resolution by resolution, and brick by brick?               These Words The Last He Cried’
     We must carefully consider any action taken to alter our            No Burden Now To Keep Each Whole
     constitution and code of statutes and employ efficient                   The Clock and Hiram Died
     methods of increasing membership.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 21                                        April/May 2024   Volume 100 No.2
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