Page 148 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 148

135 The Cornelius Hedges Story

                         Chapter 10
           Masonic Activities and Writings

    Of all the interests Cornelius Hedges pursued, more of his time
was spent in Masonic endeavors than at any other activity, with
the possible exception of his law profession. He was among the
founders of Montana Masonry, and he certainly has earned the title
of “Father of Helena Masonry and The Grand Old Man of Montana
Masonry.” His life, because of the Masonic principles to which he
adhered, was an inspiration to many. Moses Morris, in his address as
Grand Master of Montana Masonry in 1893, expressed his gratitude
for Hedges’ influence in his life; the same sentiments were shared
by many:

    “Our first official visitation was made on Saturday, October 1,
to our Mother Lodge, Helena No. 3, where we first beheld the light
of Masonry in August, 1865, and by a coincident as happy as rare,
we were received and introduced as Grand Master on that occasion
by Brother Hedges, who, twenty - seven years before as Worshipful
Master of that Lodge, had given us our first impressive lessons in
Masonry, and pointed out the way to walk and act, so as to deserve
the confidence of the brethren and merit the honors of Masonry. You
will pardon us, surely, if we say that the occasion and suggestive
surrounding rendered it one of the most pleasurable pride in the
experience of our life.”433

    When the guiding hand of Most Worshipful Brother Cornelius
Hedges was no longer on this earth to help direct Montana Masonry
and the Grand Lodge, the Committee on Necrology, expressed the
loss in this way:
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