Page 151 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 151

For This And Succeeding Generations  Gardiner 138

Freemasonry In Montana

    As the Worshipful Master of one of the three lodges which
formed the Grand Lodge of Montana on January 24, l866, Hedges
played an integral part in its founding. And from that time until his
death, he was a Grand Lodge officer, with the exception of four years,
October, 1866, to November, 1870. In l884, Rev. Hugh Duncan, who
was appointed Grand Chaplain at that first session, in his Address as
Grand Master recalled the founding of Montana Grand Lodge and
save special recognition to Hedges:
“Permit me to say, with some degree of commendable pride, that
through a singular but fortunate train of circumstances a large
number of as eminent Masons as could be found in the United
States were brought together in Virginia City at an early day
in the history of this Territory - men of pure characters, faithful
among faithless; calm and steady in the midst of the excitements
of those days, they laid well, deep and broad the principles of our
noble order in this new land. Among those who deserve honorable
mention, and whose name will be held in high esteem for all coming
time among the craft in Montana, are John J. Hull, N. P. Langford,
Samuel Russell, P. S. Pfouts, O. A. Sedman, Hezekiah L. Hosmer,
W. F. Sanders, F. C. Cornell, John Potter, Sol Starr, J. R. Boyce, and
our Right Worshipful Grand Secretary Cornelius Hedges. Unlike
most of the others, for some have moved away, some have dropped
out of active work, and some have passed from the shores of time
to that undiscovered country from whose borne no traveler ever
returns, the latter is with us today; his steady hand has never relaxed
its grasp, nor has his interest ever wavered for a single moment,
guiding us safely at home and giving us a name and standing abroad
that might well be envied by older jurisdictions.”445
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