Page 158 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 158

145 The Cornelius Hedges Story

                  Order of Eastern Star

    Cornelius and Edna Hedges first became associated with the
Order of Eastern Star on May 20, 1868. On that day, Hedges wrote
in his journal, “Met at Kleinschmidt’s, with Jurgens, Gillette, Mathis
and ladies took Eastern Star degree.”482 More than three years later,
in November 1, 1871, Hedges first noted attending a meeting of the
Eastern Star Circle, the predecessor to their Eastern Star Chapter.483

    On February 3, 1872, Hedges wrote that he was “taken by
surprise” when the Eastern Star Circle presented him with a Watch,
Chain and Jewel.484

    Edna and Cornelius Hedges both signed the petition asking
General Grand Chapter for dispensation to form a chapter in Helena
in 1880.485 Hedges noted that he had spent the evening of November
26, 1880, at the Masonic Temple laying the foundation for the
organization of the new chapter. On January 20, 1881, Miriam
Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star was formally organized.

    Edna L. Hedges was elected Miriam’s first Worthy Matron, but
according to Cornelius, she was reluctant to serve.486 Judge Hedges
selected the name, Miriam, for the new chapter. Later in life, Toby
told this story about the choice of the name:
“I have heard my father tell with greatest pride of his choice of the
name Miriam, and he loved to think of our chapter perpetuating the
name of the loved sister of Moses. He pictured her as a devoted sister
and the embodiment of all womanly virtue, beauty and loveliness,
and this is what he wanted the newly born star to typify.”487

    Cornelius was evidently Worthy Patron of Miriam Chapter in
1891. On the 23rd of December, 1890, he wrote that he had attended
the annual election at Eastern Star Chapter and that he “went to
get Edna out of office and got put in myself.”488 When the Grand
Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star for Montana was formed on
September 25, 1890, at Livingston, Hedges was too busy with Grand
Lodge to attend. The organizational meeting of Grand Chapter has
held during 26th Communication of Grand Lodge. However, Edna
Layette Hedges was there to give it proper guidance and direction.
She was elected its first Worthy Grand Matron.489
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