Page 52 - Cornelius Hedges Story
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39 The Cornelius Hedges Story

    Because of his “acknowledged professional ability,”137 Hedges
was appointed reporter for the Territorial Supreme Court on August
9, 1875. On May 25, 1876,138 he wrote his first abstract of a Supreme
Court decision.139 This position carried the right to abstract the
Supreme Court Cases, publish them, and hold the copyright on all
the volumes of abstracts written. He held the position until January
28, 1888, when he was asked to relinquish the position, and in the
intervening 12 years he published several volumes for which his
manuscripts were “always a model for the printer to set up.”140

    During the later years of his life, Cornelius Hedges was admiringly
and affectionately known as “Judge Hedges.” The right to this title
was his public service as Probate Judge for Lewis and Clark County
from December 1, 1875, to December 18, 1880.141

    He first became the Republican nominee for the office on July
3, 1875. On August 2, Election Day, he noted that there were even
“several Republicans working against me.” The efforts of these party
renegades were unsuccessful however. His journal entries for August
3 and 4 contain the story. On August 3, he wrote the following:

   “Independent, the Democratic newspaper of Helena, announced
   my defeat this morning, but the figures indicate a different
   result -Heard from all but Sun River during the day and I am
   about 100 ahead - Democrats concede my election.” And the
   next day he added: “Heard from Sun River about noon -my
   election assured.”142
    His duties as Probate Judge included performing civil marriages,
registrar of town lots, and the hearing of civil and criminal
misdemeanors and minor felonies.143 An example of a case he
handled was the criminal case against Tom Travis, a Helena youth,
charged with hitting a Chinese laundryman with a stone. He was
found guilty, and fined $10 plus costs, which totaled $60.144
    On November 5, l878, he was reelected Probate Judge with a
majority in excess of 300 votes.145 His comments concerning the
election are rather interesting. On November 2, he wrote: “The
confounded election is a continual bother,” and on the 3rd, he
added “Election matters break up business … Running around to
accommodate people all day.”146
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