Page 54 - Cornelius Hedges Story
P. 54

41 The Cornelius Hedges Story

     Those who knew and respected Judge Hedges as a trusted
friend were legion, and ranged from the Chinese of the upper Gulch
district of Helena to the highest territorial officials. As an example,
the friendship between Territorial Chief Justice Decius Wade and
Hedges was very close. Many an afternoon, the residents of Helena
would see Judge Wade and Judge Hedges out for a vigorous walk
of usually a considerable distance.152 Neither was it uncommon
for these two, with several others, to meet for an evening game of

    Decius Spear Wade was an attorney, judge, writer, and politician
often called the “Father of Montana Jurisprudence” for his role in
establishing the common law and statutory law of Montana. He was
a judge and state senator in Ohio before serving sixteen years as
Chief Justice of the Montana Territorial Supreme Court. Wade was
appointed the third Chief Justice of the Montana Territorial Supreme
Court by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 14, 1871. His sixteen
year tenure on that court was the longest served by any member. He
was appointed to three more terms, serving on the court until 1887.

    As the Hedges family grew and as their resources increased, there
was a need for a newer, more commodious residence. On March 2,
1878, the Judge signed a contract to have built a new, brick-veneer
home at the corner of Broadway and Rodney Streets. The cost was
$4550, (to be paid in five installments as follows: $1500 on June I,
$1000 on July 1, $1000 on August I, $300 on August 15, and the
final payment of $750 on September 1.154 On March 14, he let an
additional $310 contract for excavation and laying the foundation,
and excavation began on the 18th for the two-story, fourteen-room
residence with a cupola. On April 24, they ordered new furniture
and carpeting. The brickwork was complete by late July, and the
interior finishing began in early August. General painting began on
September 18, and the carpeting was laid and furniture was moved
to the new house in early October. Finally, on October 22, the entire
family slept in the new home that night.155

    Perhaps the greatest source of pleasure of the new home for
Judge Hedges was the library.156 In later years, Toby wrote to one
of his father’s friends concerning Judge Hedges and his library, “in
Helena with a vast amount of wealth and a good deal of culture, his
was undoubtedly the largest and most expensive private Library.”157
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