Page 10 - Montana Freemason Feb 13
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Montana Freemason                   February 2013                 Volume 86 Number 1

          Montana Governors Who Were Freemasons

                                                  Reid Gardiner (3)

The Governor of Montana has the duty to see subject to a legislative override. The Governor may
       that the Montana Constitution and the laws of also recommend amendments to bills; Convening
the state are faithfully executed. The governor has the special sessions of the legislature; Granting pardons
power to appoint and supervise the directors of each and reprieves, remitting fines and forfeitures, and
executive department. Additionally, the governor, restoring citizenship; Requiring reports from any
as mandated by the state constitution, will give executive office and appointing committees to
information to the state legislature and recommend investigate the same.
measures considered necessary and suitable. This
includes submitting a budget recommendation EighteenoftheourGovernor’shavebeenFreemasons
detailing expenditures and revenue. The governor and twenty-two of our Lieutenant Governors have
has the responsibility to carry out the duties of been members of the Craft. Perhaps it is once again
commander-in-chief of the militia forces of the state. time for a member of the fraternity to step forward to

                                                                  these positions of leadership for our State.
  Other duties and privileges of the office include:
Delegating powers to the Lieutenant Governor,
excepting those that are Constitutionally vested in
the Governor; Filling vacancies in all other Executive
offices; Making all appointments not otherwise
provided for by law, filling vacancies with the consent
of the Senate, and making recess appointments;
Vetoing bills, “except bills proposing amendments
to the Montana constitution, bills ratifying proposed
amendments to the United States constitution,
resolutions, and initiative and referendum measures,”

         Territorial Governors of the State who were Freemasons

            Territorial Governors               Dates              Appointed by
          *Sidney Edgerton (R)      June 22, 1864- July 12, 1865  Abraham Lincoln
          Thomas F Meagher (D)      Sept 1865- Oct 3, 1866        Abraham Lincoln
          *Green Clay Smith (D)     July 13, 1866- Jan 1867       Andrew Johnson
          Thomas F Meagher (D)      Dec 1866- July 1, 1867        Andrew Johnson
          *Green Clay Smith (D)     July 2, 1867- April 9, 1869   Andrew Johnson
          James Tufts (acting) (R)  March 1869- April 9, 1869     Andrew Johnson
          James M Ashley (R)        April 9, 1869- July 12, 1870  U.S. Grant
          Wiley Scribner (acting)   Dec 1870 – Aug 1870           U.S. Grant
          *Benjamin F. Potts (R)    July 13, 1870 – Jan 14, 1863  U.S. Grant
          John Schuyler Crosby (R)  Jan 15, 1883 – Dec 15, 1864   Chester A. Arthur
          B. Platt Carpenter (R)    Dec 16- 1884 – July 13, 1885  Chester A. Arthur
          *Samuel T. Hauser (D)     July 14, 1885 – Feb 7, 1887   Grover Cleveland
          Preston H. Leslie (D)     Feb 8, 1887 – April 8, 1889   Grover Cleveland
          Benjamin F White (R)      April 9, 1889 – Nov 8, 1889   Benjamin Harrison
* Freemason

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