Page 13 - Montana Freemason Feb 13
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Montana Freemason  February 2013                           Volume 86 Number 1

  Edwin L. Norris (August 15, 1865- April 25,              the office of Governor, Stewart returned to his law
                                                           practice and served as city attorney of Helena. He
                   1924), born in Kentucky. He attended    was elected to one term in the Montana House of
                   the Southern Normal School in           Representatives (1930–32). He was appointed to the
                   Bowling Green, Kentucky, where          Montana Supreme Court in 1932, serving there until
                   he graduated in 1886. He arrived in     his death in 1939. Stewart is interred at Forestvale
                   Montana in 1888 and studied law. He     Cemetery, Helena.
                   was admitted to the bar in 1889, and
then established his legal career, serving as the city       Brother Stewart was a member of Virginia City No.
attorney of Dillon for five years. Norris first entered    1, EA degree on March 10, 1900¸ FC Degree on March
politics as a member of the Montana State Senate, a        25, 1900 and MM Degree on May 12, 1900.
position he held from 1896 to 1900. He also served
as senate president in 1899, and was the Lieutenant           Joseph Moore Dixon (July 31, 1867- May 22,
Governor of Montana from 1905 to 1908. On April 1,
1908, Governor Joseph K. Toole resigned from office,                           1934), born in Snow Camp, N.C. He
and Norris, as Lieutenant Governor assumed the                               attended Earlham College, Richmond,
duties of the governorship. Later that same year, he                         Ind., and graduated from Guilford
was elected the fifth Governor of Montana. During                            College, North Carolina, in 1889;
his tenure, coal mine employee compensation benefits                         moved to Missoula, studied law and
were lobbied for; health laws were sanctioned; the                           was admitted to the bar in 1892. He
impartial nomination of judges was endorsed; and            served as assistant prosecuting attorney of Missoula
reform measures were initiated in the life insurance        County 1893-1895 and 1895-1897; State house of
industry. After completing his term, Norris left office       representatives 1900-1905. In Congress, Dixon
on January 1, 1913, and retired from public service.        worked to have the Flathead Reservation allotted and
Norris died in Great Falls, Montana in 1924. He was        opened to non-Indian settlement. He was elected as
first buried in Fairview Cemetery and later moved to       a Republican to the United States Senate in 1906 and
New Highland Cemetery, Kentucky where he is still          served from 1907 to 1913. Dixon was also engaged
interred.                                                  in newspaper publishing and dairy farming. Dixon
  Brother Norris was a member of Dillon Lodge              was one of the most ardent political opponents of
No.16, EA degree on March 23, 1898, FC degree on           the Anaconda Mining Company which dominated
April 4, 1898 and MM Degree on April 14, 1898.             Montana politics. He became governor of Montana
                                                           in 1920 with the campaign platform of tax reform
 Samuel V. Stewart (August 2, 1872 – September             for the mining industry. The Anaconda Company
                                                           utilized their financial control of the press to stymie
                  15, 1939) was born in Monroe County,     Dixon’s political career. Even against the full might of
                  Ohio, Attended Kansas State Normal       the Anaconda Company, Dixon succeeded in passing
                  School, and earned a law degree from     a graduated tax on wealthy mining companies that
                  the University of Kansas in 1898.        helped alleviate the tax on Montana’s citizens. In the
                  Stewart practiced law in Virginia City,  end, Dixon’s political career was ruined, but although
                  Montana, where he served as city         his record with the Flathead Reservation is less than
attorney and county attorney for Madison County,           impressive, he stands as an example that one man
Montana. He was chosen as chairman of the Montana          can make a difference in the lives of many and that
Democratic Party in 1910, serving for two years.           battling the corruption of moneyed companies is
Stewart was elected Governor of Montana in 1912,           not futile. He served as First Assistant Secretary of
serving two terms from 1913 to 1921. During his            the Interior 1929-1933. He was buried in Missoula
tenure, a fish and game law was sanctioned, a council      Cemetery.
of defense was authorized, a state highway commission        Brother Dixon was a member Missoula Lodge No.
was organized, a sedition act was passed, World War I      13, EA Degree on April 28, 1894, FC Degree on May
was dealt with, and two additional justices were added     12, 1894 and MM Degree on June 23, 1894
to the state o the state supreme court. After leaving

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