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Montana Freemason  February 2013                        Volume 86 Number 1

accomplishments as the Executive Reorganization, Montana, from 1953 to 1985, guided the station to a
which combined several hundred agencies, boards policy of fund-raisers and free air time to individuals
commissions, and councils, into 19 Departments; to speak on issues. Developing the art of radio
and his establishment of the Board of Investments to editorials, in 1975, Stephens earned the Edward R.
remove state funds from low yield bank accounts to Murrow award for journalistic excellence in editorials
place them in higher yield investment accounts.         for uncovering a scandal in the Montana Workers'
Brother Anderson was a member of Member of Compensation Program. Stephens began his political
Helena Lodge No. 3. EA Degree - Sept 5, 1941, FC career in 1969 with his election to the Montana State
Degree - Apr 10, 1943, and MM Degree - June 19, Senate and in his 16-year tenure, he served as floor
1942.                                                   whip, majority leader, and senate president. In 1986
                                                        Stephens was recognized by the National Republican
Ted Schwinden (August 31, 1925), Schwinden              Legislators’ Association as one of the country’s ten
                                                        most outstanding state lawmakers. Elected governor
                   was born in Wolf Point, Montana. He  in 1988, he served on the White House Advisory
                   enlisted in the United States Army   Council on Intergovernmental Affairs. Stephens
                   and served until 1946. Schwinden     oversaw the 1989 Montana Statehood Centennial
                   earned a Bachelor's Degree and a     celebration. Stephens was governor of Montana from
                   Master's Degree from the University  1989 to 1993.
                   of Montana. A member of the United
                   States Democratic Party, Schwinden     Brother Stephens is a member of Havre Lodge No.
was elected to the Montana House of Representatives in  55, EA degree - Sept 21, 1967, FC degree - November
1958. He was elected and was named to the Legislative   2, 1967, MM degree on November 16, 1967.
Council in 1959. He served as the House minority
whip in 1961. In 1965 he was elected president of the
Grain Growers Association, and in 1969 he was named
Commissioner of State Lands, He was reappointed in
1973 and served until April 1976. Schwinden resigned
to campaign for Lieutenant Governor and was elected
the 23rd Lieutenant Governor of Montana, serving
under Governor Thomas Lee Judge. He served as
Lieutenant Governor from 1976 to 1980. Schwinden
defeated his predecessor in the Democratic primary      Lieutenant Governors
in 1980 to become the 19th Governor of Montana.
He was re-elected governor in 1984. Hallmarks of                    Who Were Freemasons
Schwinden's governorship were his "Build Montana"
economic plan and popular traveling "Capital for a        Montana's Lieutenant Governor acts as governor
Day" events.                                            in the event of the death, resignation, removal,
                                                        impeachment, absence from the state, or incapacity
  Brother Schwinden was a member of Loyalty Lodge       due to illness of the governor of Montana. The
No. 121, EA Degree - Dec 5, 1963, FC Degree - Jan 9,    lieutenant governor performs the duties provided by
1964, MM Degree - Jan 20, 1964. NPD - 12/31/2006.       law and those delegated to him/her by the governor.
                                                        However, the lieutenant governor cannot be delegated
                                                        any duties specifically granted to the governor, as per
Stan Stephens (September 16, 1929) Born in              the state constitution.

                 Calgary, Alberta. Stephens was
                   educated in the public schools, but
                   dropped out of high school. He         The lieutenant governor welcomes international
                   moved to Montana when he was         visitors when the governor is unable to do so, serves on
                   nineteen. Stephens' 38-year career   a number of state committees, and assists on a number
                   in broadcasting included his being   of administration policy initiatives. Additionally, the
                   drafted into service with the U.S.   lieutenant governor provides advice and counsel to
Armed Forces Broadcast Network during the Korean        the governor. The office has such other responsibilities
War. Stephens was co-owner of KOJM Radio, in Havre      and duties as the Governor shall assign.

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