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Montana Freemason  February 2013                       Volume 86 Number 1

 William P. Pilgeram (March 11, 1890 –                  David F. James (December 6, 1905 - July 8,

March 1972), born in Great Falls, MT. He served as     1996), Born in Thornton, Iowa. James was a farmer
Lieutenant Governor of Montana 1935 -1937.             from Joplin, MT. He was a member of the Montana
                                                       State Senate and served as Lieutenant Governor 1962-
  Brother Pilgeram was a member Cascade No. 34.        1965).
EA degree on 10/14/1919, FC Degree on 4/13/1920,
MM Degree on 4/12/1920. Dimitted to affiliate with         Brother James was a member of Joplin Lodge No.
Belt No. 137, served as WM 1927, Secretary 1928-       114. EA on 1/3/1928, FC on 1/17/1928, and MM on
1929. Received 50 Year Award on April 24, 1970.        2/7/1928, Secretary 1930-1933, served as WM 1936
                                                       and 1984. Received 50 Year Award on February 7,
 Hugh R. Adair (1889 -January 18, 1971).               1978.

Lieutenant Governor 1936-1940; Associate Justice        Theodore T James (June 1, 1918 - ), born at Sand
1943-1946; Chief Justice 1947-1956; Associate Justice
1957-1968. Served a total of 25 years on the Supreme   Coulee, MT. James was an attorney and had served
Court.                                                 in the Montana State Senate. He served as Lieutenant
                                                       Governor 1965-1969.
  Brother Adair was a member of Acacia No. 9 of the
Grand Lodge of Kansas. EA on degree 3/23/1916, FC        Brother James as a member of Delta No. 128. EA on
degree on 3/22/1917 and MM degree on 4/26/1917.        6/25/1947, FC on 10/1/1947, MM on 11/5/1947. NPD
Brother Adair was active with Montana Masonry and      12/31/1976
was a member of Algeria Shrine.
                                                          Ted Schwinden He as elected the 23rd
 George M Gosman (October 19, 1893 -
                                                       Lieutenant Governor of Montana, serving under
September 1, 1981), Born at Lima, MT. He served        Governor Thomas Lee Judge. He served as Lieutenant
in the U.S. Army during World War I in France. He      Governor from 1976 to 1980. (See Governor
became a member of the Montana State Senate 1945-      Schwinden.)
1951, and was Lieutenant Governor 1953-1957. He is
buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Dillion.            Allen C. Kolstad (December 24, 1932 - August

  Brother Gosman was a member of Dillon No. 16. EA     2, 2008), born in Chester, MT. He grew up in Chester
on 2/28/1920, FC on 2/27/1920 and MM on 4/8/1920.      and graduated from Chester High School, in 1949. He
Received 50 Year Award on April 8, 1970.               attended Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, for
                                                       two years. In addition to farming and ranching, Allen
Paul Cannon (May 8, 1897 - November 3, 1986),          loved politics. He was elected to the Montana House
                                                       of Representatives in 1968, to the Montana Senate in
born Sunnyside, Washington. A Democrat delegate        1975, serving 20 years in the state Legislature. From
to the Democratic National Convention, Lieutenant      1988 to 1991, Allen served as Montana's lieutenant
Governor 1949-1953 and 1957. Candidate for             governor during Stan Stephens' administration. In
Governor in 1960.                                      1990, he ran a hard-fought campaign for the U.S.
                                                       Senate against the eventual winner, Max Baucus. In
  Brother Cannon was a member of Summit Valley         1991, Allen was appointed by President Bush as the
No. 135, EA degree on 2/25/1954, FC degree on          U.S. Commissioner to the International Boundary
4/1/1954, MM Degree on 4/29/1954.                      Commission, a position he held until 1993. In the
                                                       1970s, he also owned Chester Implement (a John
 Tim Milford Babcock Lieutenant Governor in            Deere dealership) and Kolstad Grain Company (a
                                                       grain purchasing business at Lothair).
1960. He became governor in 1962 upon the death of
Governor Donald Nutter. (See Governor Babcock)           Brother Kolstad was a member of Galata Lodge No.
                                                       106. EA on 4/11/1956, FC on 12/20/1956, MM on
                                                       1/23/1957. Served as WM 1963 and 1969 and 1980-

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