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Saints John Day, Masonic feast

            Freemasons of Montana AF&AM celebrate both the Feast of Saint John the Baptist and Saint John
            the Evangelist in January of each year as a required observance. Historically the feast of John
            the Baptist falls on 24 June, and that of John the Evangelist on 27 December, roughly marking
            mid-summer and mid-winter. During the Eighteenth Century, the Premier Grand Lodge of England
            and the Grand Lodge of Ireland favored the day of John the Baptist, while the Grand Lodge of
            Scotland, the Antient Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of All England at York installed
            their Grand Masters on the feast day of John the Evangelist. The United Grand Lodge of England
            was formed on 27 December 1813.

            John the Baptist was the Jewish prophet of priestly origin who preached the imminence of God's
            Final Judgment and baptized those who repented in self-preparation for it. Repentance includes
            taking personal responsibility for their actions. The fi rst Grand Lodge was formed on 24 June the
            feast day of John the Baptist in 1717. This may arise from a very old tradition, since the Baptist
            appears to have been regarded as the patron of stonemasons in continental Europe during the
            Middle Ages. The guild of masons and carpenters attached to Cologne Cathedral was known as
            the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist. The earliest surviving record of Grand Lodge of Ireland
            installing a Grand Master is dated to 24 June 1725. As records of individual lodges appear in
            Ireland and in the Antients' in England, it seems many of them met to install a new master twice
            a year, on the feast days of both the Baptist and the Evangelist.

            John the Evangelist is the patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and authors. He is often
            depicted in art as the author of the Gospel with an eagle, symbolizing "the height he rose to in his
            gospel." In other icons, he is shown looking up into heaven and dictating his Gospel to his disciple.
            He is the same person as John the “disciple Jesus loved”. As the author of a Gospel account, three
            epistles, and the book of Revelation, John was not only a close friend of Jesus during his time, but
            a spiritual teacher for the ages. Our Masonic connection is the Light of Knowledge.

            The  Evangelist  is  particularly  associated  with  Scottish  lodges.  The  Lodge  of  Edinburgh  was
            associated with the aisle of St. John the Evangelist in St. Giles Cathedral from the 15th century.
            The Grand Lodge of All England, and its predecessor, the Ancient Society of Freemasons in the City
            of York, elected and installed their President, then from 1725 their Grand Master on the day of the
            Evangelist, and in London the Antient Grand Lodge of England elected their new Grand Masters
            on the same day. When the Antients and the Moderns (the Premier Grand Lodge) eventually came
            together in the United Grand Lodge of England, it was on the Feast of the Evangelist in 1813.

            Together the Holy Saints John teach us to take responsibility for our past actions and utilize that
            to improve ourselves in Masonry while shining the Light of Knowledge that others of like mind can
            fi nd us and join in our great and good work.

            MW Bill Murphy. Grand Master
            Grand Lodge of AF&AM of Montana

             Montana Freemason                                                 Page 5                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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