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         John Robert Lloyd, Grand Master 1935-1936

                                                                     In a letter from Roosevelt to his Secretary of State John
                                                                   Hays, he said:

                                        John Lloyd  was born in      "From  Washington  [State]  I  turned  southward,  and  when
                                      Minnsville, Pennsylvania,    I struck northern Montana, again came to my old stamping
                                      on October 26th, 1876.       grounds and among my old friends. I met all kinds of characters
                                      John  was  still  an  infant   with whom I had hunted and worked and slept and sometimes
                                      when  his  family  moved     fought. From Helena, I went southward to Butte, reaching that
                                      west,  settling  in  Butte,   city in the afternoon of May 27th. By this time, Seth Bullock had
                                      Montana. John, or "Jack"     joined us. Seth Bullock [part of the bodyguard detail] riding
                                      as he was generally known,   close beside the rear wheel of my carriage, [he] was such a
                                      received  his  education  in   splendid looking fellow with his size and supple strength, his
                                      Grammar School and High      strangely marked aquiline face, with its big mustache, and the
                                      School in Butte. While still   broad brim of his soft dark hat drawn down over his dark eyes.
                                      a  schoolboy,  he  found     However, no one made a motion to attack me.."
                                      employment as a paperboy
                                      delivering  the  morning       About 1910, John Lloyd opened a clothing business in
                                      news  to  an  outlying  area   Great Falls. Later he was appointed as Post Master for
                                      where he delivered the       Great Falls, serving from 1924 to 1936.
                                      paper     by    horseback.
                                      During  this  time,  John's    M. W. Brother Lloyd was made a Master Mason in Euclid
        father served as Sheriff of Silver Bow County, a position   Lodge No. 58, Great Falls, on April 4th, 1911. In 1933 he
        he held for several years. Because of his father's work as   dimitted to Columbia Falls Lodge No. 89, but on return to
        Sheriff, John had the opportunity to be exposed to some    Great Falls, he took a dimit, and on October 17th, 1916,
        of the worst and best of humanity, which helped develop    he re-affiliated with Euclid Lodge No. 58. Brother John R.
        his  character  and  a  deep  understanding  of  human     Lloyd was Master of Euclid Lodge in 1918. He received the
        weakness and a kind sympathy for those in distress.        degrees of Royal Arch Masonry in Kalispell Chapter No.
                                                                   13 and later affiliated with Great Falls Chapter No. 9. He
          Brother  Lloyd  had  always  been  fond  of  athletics;  his   was Knighted in Black Eagle Commandery No. 8 of Great
        favorite sports to play were football, boxing, and bicycle   Falls. He received the degrees of the Scottish Rite in Great
        racing. He had been Quarterback for the Butte Athletic     Falls in 1919. He became a K.C.C.H. in October 1927; and
        Club Football team. He had a good record as an amateur     was elected to receive the 33rd on October 16th, 1935,
        boxer. On one occasion, he rode his bicycle more than a    with the degree conferred on him on March 9th, 1936. M.
        thousand miles to pay a visit to his childhood sweetheart,   W. Brother Lloyd was elected as Grand Master of Masons
        whom he later married.                                     in Montana in 1935. The cornerstone of the Grand Lodge
                                                                   Building in Helena was laid on July 18th, 1936, by Grand
          After  graduation  from  Butte  High  School,  he  was   Master John R. Lloyd.
        employed  by  the  Anaconda  Copper  Company  in  Butte
        and later Great Falls and in California and Mexico.          During  the  1935-1936  Masonic  Year,  M.W.  Brother
                                                                   Lloyd oversaw Special Communications for Dedication of
          John  was  21  years  old  in  1898  when  the  Spanish   the new Temple in Shelby. Laying Cornerstone of the new
        American  War  started;  he  enlisted  and  served  with   Federal Building in Dillon. Dedication of the new Temple
        Company L, 3rd United States Volunteer Cavalry, better     in Corvallis. Laying the Cornerstone of the new Library,
        known as Grigsby's Cowboys or Grigsby's Rough Riders.      Museum,  and  Office  building  of  this  Grand  Lodge  and
        Another  Mason,  Seth  Bullock,  served  as  a  Captain    conducting the funeral of M.W.P.G.M. George W. Craven.
        of  Company  A,  3rd  United  States  Volunteer  Cavalry,   The  72nd  Annual  Communication  was  held  in  Butte,
        Grigsby's Cowboys. President Roosevelt knew both Lloyd     August  19-20,  1936.  M.W.  Brother  Lloyd  visited  100
        and Bullock. Roosevelt had served as a Lt Colonel of the   Montana  Lodges.  133  of  135  Lodges  were  represented
        1st  United  States  Volunteer  Cavalry,  more  commonly   at  the  Communication,  508  voting  members  attended.
        known as "Roosevelt's Rough Riders."                       There were 338 new Master Masons raised.

          In 1903, President Roosevelt visited Butte and requested   Total membership in 1936 was 18,078, with 135 Lodges.
        that  John  Lloyd  act  as  a  member  of  his  bodyguard.   Membership as of January 2022 is 3,578, with 78 Lodges.
        President  Theodore  Roosevelt  also  visited  Helena  and
        Gardiner. He assisted the Grand Lodge of Montana and         M.W. Brother Lloyd had moved to California; he died
        laid the cornerstone for the arch at the north entrance to   on February 27th, 1949, at Teinescal, California, and was
        Yellowstone National Park, now known as the Roosevelt      buried at Olivewood Cemetery, Riverside, California.

             Montana Freemason                                                 Page 9                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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