Page 14 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
P. 14

Merriam-Webster defines a fiduciary as “one                What are the “duties” of the Lodge? Section 26010
        who holds a fiduciary relation or acts in a fiduciary      of the Constitution and Code states, in part:
        capacity.” While  this  is absolutely correct,  it’s not
        very helpful. A better definition might be a person          ”DUTIES OF LODGE. A lodge must relieve its
        who has been entrusted with the property or power          own members, their widows and orphans, when
        for the benefit of another. So, how does that relate to    in  distress,  regardless  of  their  place  of  residence,
        Masonry?                                                   according to its own circumstances and ability. It
                                                                   shall  see  that  its  needy  members  do  not  suffer  or
                                                                   want, or become a burden to others”.
         The Fiduciary                                               However, according to Section 24080:

         Mason                                                     Lodge Assets.
                                                                     “B. Members Not To Benefit Individually From

         R. W. Bro. Bruce W. Lahti, PM, Grand Treasurer              1. Except as provided in Section 26010, no lodge
                                                                   shall expend, invest, pay, or transfer any of its funds,
                                                                   other assets, or the proceeds thereof, to or for the
                                                                   individual benefit of any of its members, including,
                                                                   but not limited to, purchasing life memberships for,
          There  are  certain  officers  in  the  Lodge  that  are   or paying dues or assessments on behalf of, any
        obvious fiduciaries. First, the Secretary receives         member.
        all funds and pays them over to the Treasurer. The
        Treasurer is then required to keep a just and regular        2. No lodge shall transfer any of its assets, monetary
        account of the same and pay them out at the will and       or otherwise, in any manner which may jeopardize
        pleasure of the Worshipful Master. Since all three are     the tax status of the lodge or of the Grand Lodge of
        dealing with funds of another, the Lodge, they are         AF&AM of Montana.”
        fiduciaries. But in a larger sense, all members of the
        Lodge are fiduciaries to a limited extent since those        While these are fairly specific requirements of a
        funds need to be paid out with the consent of the          Lodge, nothing in the Constitution or Code prevents
        Lodge. It is incumbent upon those members to act           a Lodge from engaging in civic or charitable activities
        prudently in the best interest of the Lodge.               in their community. Nothing prevents the Lodge from
                                                                   engaging in fraternal activities. These support the
          The Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional          not-for-profit nature of our Lodges.
        Funds Act (UPMIFA) establishes duties for the
        prudent management of assets of another individual
        or entity. They are the duty of care, the duty of loyalty,
        and the duty of obedience.                                      SPEAK WITH HONESTY

          The duty of care means that members of the Lodge
        should give the same care and concern to the Lodge              THINK WITH SINCERITY
        that  they  would give  to  themselves  in  their daily
        lives. This means acting with other Lodge members               ACT WITH INTEGRITY
        to advance the Lodge’s mission and goals. From a
        financial standpoint, this would include questioning
        expenditures to determine their prudence. It is well
        to  remember  that  the  property  and  funds  of  the
        Lodge are the result of the efforts of the generations       Care needs to be taken, however, when it comes
        of Masons that precede us and we have a fiduciary          to outside business activities of a Lodge. Some
        duty to preserve them for the benefit of our future        outside  business  activities are  permissible under
        brothers.                                                  certain circumstances, such as owning and renting
                                                                   property or fundraising  activities.  The  Internal
          The duty of loyalty means that members should place      Revenue  Service  (IRS)has  strict  rules  when  it
        the interests of the Lodge above their own personal        comes to unrelated business taxable income. These
        interests in all matters concerning the Lodge. This        are designed to prevent not-for-profit organizations
        also means not using the Lodge and funds or assets         from competing with for-profit businesses. Unrelated
        for personal, professional or business gain.               business taxable income is any income received
                                                                   from a trade or business, regularly carried on, that
          The duty of obedience means that the members             is not directly related to the not-for-profit purpose of
        must  make  sure  the  Lodge  abides  by  its  by-laws,    the organization. In the case of Masonry, that would
        the Constitution and Code of the Grand Lodge, and          be any income not directly related to our fraternal
        all  applicable  civil  laws  and  regulations.  That  also   purpose. Failure to follow these rules could result in
        means that members must carry out the Lodge’s              the Lodge losing its not-for-profit status.
        duty and mission to its members and to Masonry in

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 14                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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