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Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

         Chuck Clampitt
         Mt Etna Lodge 333
         Huntington, Indiana

          Four  presidents  are  carved  on  Mount                             recommended for the Congressional Medal
        Rushmore:    George  Washington,  Thomas                               of Honor. Returning to the U.S., Roosevelt’s
        Jefferson,  Abraham  Lincoln,  and  Theodore                           popularity propelled him into the New York
        Roosevelt. It is interesting that all four men                         Governor’s  Office  when  he  was  elected  in
        made major contributions to make America                               1898.
        what it is today.                                                        Roosevelt  was  a  long  time  thorn  in  the

          To  say  that  Teddy  Roosevelt  was  born                           side of New York State Republican Machine
        with a silver spoon in his mouth would be                              Politicians. He had a real reputation of voting
        an understatement. If anything, his was also                           his conscience instead of dutifully following
        gold plated. Born of rich parents in New York                          decisions made by the party bosses. Finally
        City,  Teddy  as  he  was  called  was  a  sickly                      the bosses came up with the perfect plan of
        asthmatic child. His father had a gymnasium                            ridding themselves of Roosevelt for good. At
        built  on  the  back  of  the  house  to  toughen                      the 1900 Republican Presidential Convention,
        him up and taught him to box, use “Indian clubs,” and      they saw that he was nominated as the Vice Presidential
        lift weights. Educated by family and hired tutors, young   Candidate,  and  as  a  result,  nobody  would  ever  hear
        Roosevelt  was  a  bright  child  who  learned  quickly  and   from him again. William McKinley was re-elected and, in
        developed  a  love  for  reading  and  natural  sciences.  His   March of 1901 was inaugurated President, to be killed by
        love  for  natural  sciences  led  to  a  boy’s  home  natural   an assassin in September of that same year.
        history museum of anything he could find, trap, or shoot
        to  bring  home  and  preserve.  Later,  Teddy  attended     Roosevelt was The United States’ first modern President,
        and  graduated  from  Harvard  with  honors  and  entered   taking to his new position like a duck to water. Roosevelt
        Columbia Law School, where after one year he quit to go    saw the country as a new world power and wasn’t afraid
        into politics.                                             to advance that belief. In 1904 he “made it possible” for
                                                                   the U.S. to acquire rights to complete the failed attempt
          Thus  began  a  succession  of  elected  and  appointed   of building the Panama Canal for commercial and military
        positions. In 1882 he was elected to the State Legislature,   purposes. He also restated the Monroe Doctrine, telling
        but in 1884 his wife died two days after the birth of a    the  world  that  any  foreign  country  meddling  in  the
        daughter  (Alice  Longworth  Roosevelt).  Leaving  his     Western  Hemisphere  affairs  would  have  to  deal  with
        newborn in the care of his mother and sister, Roosevelt    the United States. He further expanded and modernized
        escaped his grief by heading to the Dakota Territory, where   the Navy’s “Great White Fleet” and in 1906 mediated a
        he took up ranching. There he learned to ride, rope, and   settlement in the Russo-Japanese War, for which he was
        shoot…an east coast dandy among real cowboys. After        to be given the Nobel Peace Prize.
        three years he returned to New York City and served as
        a Civil Service Commissioner, Police Commissioner of the     At home, Roosevelt was just as busy. In 1906 the Food
        New  York  City  Police  Department,  and  undersecretary   and Drug Act created the government agency of the FDA
        of the Navy. Following the explosion of the USS Maine      to control those two previously unregulated industries.
        in Havana Harbor in 1898, Roosevelt’s do nothing boss      He also became famous as the “Trust Buster” as he took
        as  Navy  Secretary  decided  to  take  an  afternoon  off   on powerful monopolies in a wide variety of industries.
        for a massage. Roosevelt took action, declared himself     While  all  of  these  accomplishments  were  noteworthy,
        to  be  the  acting  Secretary,  requisitioned  supplies  and   one  of  his  greatest  contributions  was  as  “The  Great
        munitions for the Navy to prepare it for War, and went     Conservationist,”  creating  national  parks,  monuments
        to Congress, where he received permission to increase      and  forests  so  that  future  generations  could  enjoy
        Navy manpower to needed levels to fight a war. All this    America’s scenic beauty.
        was accomplished in the span of one afternoon.

          Shortly  after,  Roosevelt  resigned  to  recruit  a  cavalry   Good  to  his  word,  Roosevelt  said  that  following  his
        regiment comprised of his Ivy League East Coast friends    election in 1904, he would not seek a 2nd elected term of
        and  out  west  Cowboy  buddies.  Roosevelt  was  made  a   office. Roosevelt supported William Howard Taft for the
        Lt  Colonel  of  the  1st  Cavalry,  more  commonly  known   Presidency, and following Taft’s election, Roosevelt went
        as the Rough Riders, and was shipped to Cuba without       into  retirement  at  age  53.  The  first  order  of  business
        horses. Roosevelt gallantly led his Rough Riders up Kettle   was  to  go  on  a  big  game  hunting  expedition  to  Africa
        Hill and San Juan Hill, for which he was promoted and      that lasted 11 months, cost $1.8M in today’s dollars, and
                                                                   yielded 512 big game animals, of which most were salted
            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 16                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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