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prohibition  certainly  did  not  make  matters  better."    When  Dorsey  died  in  1937,  he  was  buried  with  full
        And: "Several couples divorced between 1910 and 1930,  military  honors,  including  a  fi ring  squad  and  a  bugler
        three  of  the  couples  in  Missoula  divorced  after  1910…  playing taps.
        Moreover, seventeen interracial couples who were listed
        as married in 1910 no longer resided in Montana by the       This Valentine's Day, we can appreciate the freedom to
        next census. It would be impossible to maintain that the  love without racial restriction.
        law was largely symbolic for these families." This law
        remained on the books until the 1950s,  Senate Journal
        of  the  Eleventh  Session  of  the  State  Assembly  of  the
        State of Montana.

          In June 1910 – the same year that he and Sarah (Sadie)
        divorced  –  Dorsey  married  Jamesie  A.  White,  who  is
        listed as "negro” on censuses. She was born in Vera Cruz,
        Mexico, to John Lane and Fime Amsette, from Spain and
        Maryland. Jamesie and S.T. Dorsey lived at 817 Wolf Ave
        in Missoula until they died in 1937 and 1942.

                                                                              Lodge building used by Triumphant No. 10

          Solomon Thomas Dorsey was a member of Triumphant
        Ten  lodge  No.  29  –  presumably  named  after  the  10th
        Cavalry. This lodge met on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of
        the month, at 113 W. Front St (where the Union Hall was
        before it moved to Main St). Dorsey was the Worshipful
        Master  of  this  lodge  in  the  1920s.  [Lodge  building
        pictured]                                                    [Keychains  pictured.  Dorsey’s  is  in  the  collection  of  Grand
                                                                   Secretary  Daniel Gardiner, on  loan to the  Montana Masonic
          S.T. Dorsey's Masonic membership was important to        Foundation]
        him, as evidenced by a keychain fob with a Square and
        Compass depicted in the center. It also has his name, S.T.
        Dorsey, No. 29, and Missoula, MT, on the front. On the
        back is stamped 1923. Keychain fobs like this one were
        quite common at the time. Some, such as the one owned
        by Telesford Picotte, a member of Livingston Lodge #32,
        also state "please return to" stamped on them. Others,
        such as one issued by the Masonic Protective Association
        (a fraternal funeral benefi t society), had serial numbers
        on the back. These were issued to members and could be
        identifi ed by request of the society if lost.
            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 20                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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