Page 24 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
P. 24

There  is  no  doubt  that  Freemasonry  will  continue  to  diminished in our society and Freemasonry has bought
        evolve and although I have traveled for Freemasonry in  into it. We refuse to raise initiation fees and dues because
        the Far East and Africa, I have yet to differentiate any  we feel that the average American could not afford it,
        specific  style.  It  would  be  interesting  however  to  look  the same average American who would spend at least
        back 50 years from now and observe their style of the  an equal amount on something to smoke or drink or on
        craft and its impact on the development of their societies.  entertainment and not give it a second thought. It is not
                                                                   a matter of cost; it is a matter of priority.
         North  American  Freemasonry,  excluding  Mexico  and
        perhaps  Canada,  has  developed  a  style  unlike  that  of   We in North America have absolutely no concept of what
        any  other.  It  is  a  style  that  evolved  into  being  to  the  it means to be a Freemason in the rest of the world. The
        greatest extent over the last 25 years. In that span of  financial cost to affiliate with this organization in most
        time we have surrendered most of its intellectual and  of the world is in the thousands of dollars and the time
        philosophical qualities, eliminating the stimulus to learn  requirement  to  become  a  Master  Mason  is  measured
        and excised the requirements to do so. We have directed  in years, not in months let alone in days. While we in
        most of our energies toward becoming an organization  North  America  are  lessening  our  requirements  to  be
        dedicated to raising monies for outside charities. Hence  Freemasons, much of the world is increasing theirs or at
        I refer to North American Freemasonry as a “charitable  least not decreasing them.
        style” of the craft.
                                                                    I was in Brazil about 10 years ago and I asked what the
         Tragically, the result has been an erosion of our image  dues were in their jurisdiction and they told me $50.00.
        in society and ironically we evolved into this approach in  When I expressed surprise that their annual dues were
        an attempt to buy back the respect and admiration along  that cheap, they told me it was $50 a month not $50 a
        with  that  image  we  were  losing.  As  a  result  we  have  year and there are some jurisdictions where the dues will
        surrendered the qualities of Freemasonry that made it  run as high as several thousand dollars a year. Several
        such a unique entity. There are hundreds of organizations  months ago I asked a Scottish Freemason what the cost
        dedicated  to  specific  charitable  objectives  but  there  was for initiation in his lodge and the annual dues. He
        are precious few that were dedicated to improving the  told me that he paid 3000 pounds to join and the dues
        man  and  this  constituted  much  of  the  uniqueness  of  were 1000 pounds a year. Keep in mind the British pound
        Freemasonry. Our uniqueness is what made the craft into  at that time was almost double the value of our dollar.
        what it is; probably the most outstanding
        and significant organization ever created by  The uniqueness of Freemasonry. Our       I   was   speaking    at   a
        the mind of man and in turn, Freemasonry  uniqueness is what made the craft into      symposium     in   Argentina
        made this world what it is today. It made  what it is.                                about  eight  years  ago  and
        it by taking the best men it could find and                                           following  a  Lodge  meeting,
        improving the man. By so doing, it changed the direction          we  retired  downstairs  for  the  customary  toasts
        of  civil  society.  Freemasonry  was  one  of  the  primary  then went to a restaurant for dinner. Following dinner
        enclaves that provided the environment during the age  the  Grand  Master  spoke  and  the  floor  was  open  for
        of  the  Enlightenment  that  attracted  great  minds  and  discussion.  Around  three  o’clock  in  the  morning  they
        laid the framework for a democratic society. The United  finally took me back to my hotel and after they dropped
        States of America is one of the results.                   me off were walking across the street and I asked them
                                                                   where  they  were  going  now  and  they  said  they  were
         The more I study this craft the more impressed I become  stopping  for  a  drink  and  to  continue  their  discussion.
        with how much its presence meant in the development  The next day I asked the Grand Treasurer how late their
        of civilization. And now I look with great sadness to the  meetings normally ran and he told me that sometimes
        loss  of  both  quantity  and  quality  in  North  American  they  don’t  get  home  until  it’s  time  to  go  to  work  the
        Freemasonry. I look at the results of our early leadership  next morning. Can you imagine how that would fly in our
        with their magnanimous long-range vision that produced  country?
        what we have inherited and then observe not only the
        lack of that vision today but even of the understanding     I also found that after receiving of a petition the Lodge
        of  our  significance  in  the  world.  The  vast  majority  of  will conduct an investigation for a period of a year before
        our Grand Lodges have not produced a major program  bringing it up to ballot, and if approved the first degree
        over  the  last  25  years  other  than  programs  designed  is  conferred.  Prior  to  receiving  the  second  degree  the
        to  increase  numbers  or  raise  monies  to  give  away  to  initiate will have, over the period of a year, presented
        charities,  both  of  which  have  been  detrimental  to  us  at least three learned papers on Freemasonry and then
        and my friends that is not the purpose of Freemasonry.  be questioned on the floor. If he passes he may receive
        I emphasized to the Grand Lodge of Russia several years  the  second  degree  when  the  same  process  will  take
        ago while speaking in Moscow, that we did not make this  place  prior  to  his  receiving  the  third  degree.  In  many
        world by rolling over it with vast numbers. We made this  parts of the world it takes a period of 1, 2 to 3 or more
        world by making good men better, one man at a time.        years to receive the 3 degrees. Indeed, I was talking to
         Unfortunately for Freemasonry we live in a country that  a brother recently; I’m not sure which Grand Lodge and
        is the great equalizer. In the name of political correctness  he told me that it took him nine years to complete his
        today,  we  have  developed  an  attitude  that  everyone  three degrees. At this stage, these brothers know more
        deserves the same as everyone else regardless of ability,  about the craft than most of our members will learn in a
        desire, initiative, or work ethic. As a result, the stimulus  lifetime of Freemasonry in North America.
        for one to rise above the level of mediocrity has been

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 24                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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