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I have been extremely fortunate over the last 20 years  than in the quantity of the membership. The decrease in
        or so to be able to travel the world as a Freemason and to  the quality is a major contributing factor in the decrease
        experience Freemasonry as it operates outside of North  in  quantity  today.  Every  person  likes  to  be  affiliated
        America.  In  these  travels  I  have  been  able  to  observe  with a quality organization. If quantity is lost, quantity
        Freemasonry in many foreign countries and compare it  can  be  regained,  but  if  quality  is  lost,  it  may  be  lost
        to the Freemasonry of North America. I have been able  forever. Freemasonry in North America has been losing
        to see where it works well, where it continues to increase  its attractive force for quality professional men over the
        its membership, where it continues to attract some of  last 25 to 30 years. This is not the case in almost every
        the greatest men in their jurisdictions, indeed where it  foreign Masonic jurisdiction. One of the most impressive
        remains an organization whose members are the movers  observations  that  I  have  made  in  my  travels  is  in  the
        and shakers of their societies.                            quality of the brothers that I meet throughout the world.

         I have experienced new Grand Lodges being consecrated      In  my  studies  of  the  craft  I  have  found  that  the
        and  extinct  or  suppressed  ones  being  re-consecrated  philosophical  purpose  of  Freemasonry  is  universal
        following the fall of dictatorial regimes. I have watched  and  unalterable  but  the  operational  philosophies  are
        Freemasonry  rising  on  the  continent  of  Africa  and  its  dependent  upon  the  environment  in  which  it  exists.
        members  occupying  some  of  their  countries  dominant  Freemasonry has been driven to evolve into a form that
        positions.  In  fact,  two  of  the  presidents  of  African  fits most comfortably into the environment in which it
        countries  are  also  the  Grand  Masters  of  their  Grand  must operate. The only exception that I have found of
        Lodges.                                                    the  society  driving  the  Freemasonry  is  in  early  Russia,
                                                                   where  instead  of  the  society  driving  Freemasonry,
         At the same time I have watched the struggles of these  Freemasonry  drove  the  society.  This  was  prior  to
        new  Grand  Lodge  officers  in  trying  to  cope  with  the  Catherine the Great closing down the craft. For the last
        challenges  of  operating  an  organization  that  promotes  15 years I have been attempting to classify the variations
        the freedom and equality of men in environments where  in these characteristics and place Freemasonry into what
        freedom  and  equality  was  unknown  for  decades  and  I refer to as styles. As a result I have to the present time
        where  individual  struggle  to  achieve  success  was,  at  found  four  specific  styles  and  probably  five.  European
        best, a muted phenomenon.                                                         Freemasonry  has  retained  much
                                              If quantity is lost, quantity can be re-    of  the  basic  philosophy  and
        I  have  become  familiar  with  the   gained, but if quality is lost, it may be lost   intellectualism that characterized
        requirements  of  foreign  Grand      forever.                                    early  Freemasonry.  There  is
        Jurisdictions  for  a  man  to  gain                                              a  continued  emphasis  on  the
        membership and to remain a member                            acquisition  of  knowledge  and  programs  to  stimulate
        of our craft, both of which are far more stringent than  thought.  European  Freemasonry  has  not  been  forced
        anything  we  know  in  North  America.  I  have  become  to diverge from its roots by societal pressures that have
        more consciously aware of the universality in Masonic  been found in some other areas of the world.
        philosophy  and  precept  that  dominates  Freemasonry
        globally  while  at  the  same  time  observing  definitive   I put European Freemasonry into what I refer to as a
        differences  in  the  operating  philosophies  in  different  “philosophical style”. I have for a long time placed English,
        sociological environments.                                 Scottish and Irish Freemasonry in the same philosophical
                                                                   style  although  recently  I  am  tending  to  place  that
         I will emphasize some of the observations that I have  Freemasonry  into  what  I  refer  to  as  a  “social  style”.
        made  in  various  areas  of  the  world  regarding  the  Although  similar  to  the  philosophical  and  intellectual
        evolution of Freemasonry and the resulting differences  characteristics of European Freemasonry it also includes
        that characterizes the craft in those areas along with my  the  retention  of  more  of  the  social  relationships  that
        opinions  as  to  why  Freemasonry  is  declining  in  North  tended  to  characterize  the  early  Freemasonry  of  the
        America while it is thriving in many other parts of the  British Isles.
        world.  I  will  also  relate  to  you  some  of  my  personal
        experiences  demonstrating  the  significance  of  the      South and Central America although also retaining much
        fraternity in other parts of the world.                    of  the  philosophical  and  intellectual  style  of  Europe
                                                                   has evolved into a more unique style stimulated by the
         None of us can be unaware of the decreasing interest  sociological  pressures  of  the  environment.  I  find  it  to
        in our craft and decline in influence that North American  be more idealistic and perhaps even more intellectually
        Freemasonry  has  experienced  over  the  last  50  years  challenging than the philosophical style. It also tends to
        and especially over the last 25. One of the first Lodge  establish goals that are more difficult to attain. I refer
        addresses that I gave over 35 years ago dealt with my  to  this  style  of  Freemasonry  as  a  “sociological  style”
        observations  of  the  decrease  in  the  quantity  of  our  because of its character being impacted more stringently
        membership.  North  American  membership  has  gone  by the sociology of the environment.
        from over 4 million to approximately 112 million. It does
        not take much thought to recognize that Freemasonry’s       Mexican  Freemasonry  although  existing  in  an
        future  in  North  America  is  bleak  if  we  continue  with  environment not totally dissimilar than that of South and
        this  loss  of  membership,  at  least  Freemasonry  as  it  is  Central America, has a tendency to become more directly
        historically known.                                        involved with the political climate in which it exists. For
                                                                   this reason I have placed it into a style all its own which
         I  have  however,  in  more  recent  years  been  far  more  I refer to, for lack of a better term, as a “political style”
        concerned with the decreasing quality of the membership  of Freemasonry.
            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 23                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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