Page 28 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
P. 28

50 Year Member Presentation

                                    William R. Whitmus

                    Brother  William  R.  Whitmus,  was  presented  the  Montana  50  year  Member  Award  at  the
                   Wisconsin  Masonic  Center  in  Madison,  Wisconsin.    Brother  Whitmus  served  as  Worshipful
                   Master of Loyalty Lodge No. 121 in 1979. Loyalty Lodge consolidated with Lower Yellowstone
                   Lodge No. 90 on January 1, 2021 as Lower Yellowstone Lodge No. 90. Brother Whitmus is also
                   a member of the Scottish Rite and Shrine. The 50 Year Award was presented by W. Brother
                   Lyle G. Christian, Secretary of Hiram Lodge No. 50, Madison, Wisconsin.

                            Brother  Whitmas,  you  stood  before  the  altar  of  Freemasonry.  It  is
                            emblematical  of  that  special  place  where  some  fifty  years  ago  you
                            stood as the youngest Entered Apprentice and were first instructed in
                            the ancient mysteries of our Craft. You were presented with a lambskin
                            apron and informed that it was the emblem of innocence and the
                            badge of a Mason. You labored among us as an Entered Apprentice,
                            were passed on to the ranks of Fellowcraft, where you received further
                            instruction. Here you were first taught how to read and later draw our
                            designs upon your trestle board and in due time were raised to the
                            sublime degree and have served the Craft for many years as a Master

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 28                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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