Page 25 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
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In addition, attendance at meetings in many jurisdictions  were inspired to petition the craft because of men whom
        is not an option, it is a requirement. A dozen years ago  you  knew  who  set  an  example  to  you  and  who  were
        when I was attending the second World Conference in  Freemasons? I was! We also must realistically recognize
        Portugal, a Portuguese brother told me that their Lodge  that our greatest hope for leadership will come from the
        met every week. Three of those meetings a month were  professional  environment.  They  are  the  men  with  the
        for the purpose of Masonic education and one for the  training to be leaders before becoming Freemasons.
        purpose  of  conferring  ritual  and  conducting  business.
        The average age of a Portuguese Freemason at that time      We  may  argue  all  we  want  that  these  other  foreign
        was approximately 29 years. The Grand Lodge session  jurisdictions  that  I  referred  to  have  too  stringent
        was delayed for almost an hour so that they could expand  requirements  in  costs  and  demands  for  America  but  I
        the size of the room at the hotel to seat all the brothers  guess it all boils down to what we want to be. Do we want
        attending. When at the Grand Lodge of Iceland I learned  to  be  an  organization  with  the  capability  of  impacting
        that they had a six-year waiting list to get into a lodge.   the  ongoing  evolution  of  our  society  and  being  highly
                                                                   respected  and  admired  or  do  we  want  to  be  a  dying
         The  National  Grand  Lodge  of  France  rejects  organization of little note.
        approximately 60% of the petitions received and their
        membership  has  increased  an  average  of  10%  a  year   Let me take a few minutes and give you some examples
        for  the  past  12  years.  The  rate  of  rejection  in  almost  of what I have experienced in my travels over the past
        every jurisdiction in the world far exceeds anything we  20 years. The first time I went to Greece I had a brother
        know in North America and most of these Grand Lodges  who drove me to wherever I wanted to go. He would not
        are  increasing  in  membership  while  facing  far  greater  even let me open the car door, insisting that he open it
        challenges to their existence than we have ever known.  for me. Just before I left Greece someone told me that
        Keep  in  mind,  that  tens  of  thousands  of  Freemasons  he was regarded as the greatest surgeon in Greece and
        have been put to death over the years simply because  yet he was insisting to wait on me.
        they  were  Freemasons  and  we  have  not  even  known
        restraint.                                                  At  the  final  banquet  in  Abidjan,  Ivory  Coast  an  older
                                                                   brother came up to me and told me that if I ever came
         Unfortunately  in  North  America  and  again  in  light  of  back to that area of Africa, I never again stay in a hotel.
        political  correctness  we  have  determined  that  elitism  He told me that he had a large home, his children were
        is a dirty word and yet when Freemasonry stated that  gone and he would be honored to have me stay with him
        their  goal  was  to  take  good  men  and                 and that his home was my home. When he walked away,
        make  them  better  we  became  elitist                                                a brother asked me if I knew
        and  my  friends  there  is  nothing  wrong  We in North America have become           who he was and I said no.
        with elitism. Elitism played a major role  willing to accept almost anyone in a        He told me that he was the
        in bringing together the great minds of   failing attempt to increase our numbers.     ambassador  to  the  United
        the  age  of  the  Enlightenment.  It  was                                             Nations.
        these men with great minds and capable
        of great thoughts that made it an influential segment of    At  the  second  World  Conference  in  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil,
        society. Remember my friends; fine porcelain cannot be  a  young  man  was  assigned  to  look  after  me  for  nine
        made from bad clay.                                        days taking care of all my needs. He sat behind me at
                                                                   every meeting in case I needed anything. He drove me
         There is no question but that quality will attract quality  wherever I wanted to go and insisted on providing for my
        and if we wish to be a quality organization then we must  every want. I found out the day before I left Brazil that he
        have quality members to attract more quality members.  was a pulmonary surgeon and professor of pulmonary
        I do not mean by this observation that there is no place  medicine at the University of Sao Paulo.
        in Freemasonry for the average man. Indeed, a second
        reason Freemasonry became as great as it has was that       I have been on a speaking agenda with the president of
        it  was  able  to  take  men  from  all  classes,  occupations  Chile and had lunch seated to his right at the presidential
        and social structures and place them in a Lodge room  palace. I have been received at both the President’s and
        as equals.                                                 the Prime Minister’s palace in Portugal. I was invited to
                                                                   hunt with the Prime Minister of Romania. I participated in
         The  third  major  reason  that  caused  Freemasonry  to  laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier under
        excel beyond all other organizations, however, was that  the Arc de Triomphe in Paris along with the presidents
        it remained selective on the quality of the man that it  of Gabon and Congo. I have met with members of the
        would  accept.  My  brothers,  this  is  perhaps  the  major  royal families of Europe and had several dinners with the
        difference that I have found in other jurisdictions. We,  princess of Yugoslavia. I was made a chief of the village
        in North America have become willing to accept almost  of Nigui-saff in the Ivory Coast. I had dinner at the home
        anyone  in  a  failing  attempt  to  increase  our  numbers.  of the Commanding General of the Gabon military and
        As  a  result  the  public  now  sees  a  different  image  of  attended a beach party at the retreat of the Minister of
        Freemasonry and society will always judge on the worst,  Defense.  I  participated  in  the  dedication  of  a  Masonic
        never on the best.                                         monument  at  Valparaiso,  Chili  where  the  monuments
         Yet, we must be realistic. It is doubtful that any of us  of the great Chilean heroes are erected. This would be
        would ever serve as a major attracting force for those  tantamount to us dedicating a Masonic monument on
        like the great men that I cited earlier but we can serve  the National Mall in Washington, DC. Can you imagine
        as  an  example  to  stimulate  quality  men  to  want  to  that happening in this country today?
        become part of us. How many of you sitting here today

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 25                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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