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Views and Observations

          on Freemasonry                                                Brother Thomas W. Jackson
                                                                 R.W. Past Grand Secretary of Pennsylvania
                                                    Executive Secretary, World Conferences Of Masonic Grand Lodges

               M.W.P.G.M Robert Coleman presided over the 143rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M.
               of Montana, June 25-27, 2009 Glasgow, MT. The following presentation was given the Guest Speaker was Right
               Worshipful Brother Thomas W. Jackson the Past Grand Secretary of Pennsylvania and Executive Secretary Of World
               Conferences Of Masonic Grand Lodges.

         The  Grand  Master  asked  me  if  I  would  be  willing  to  walking down off  that truck. The big bull said, my God,
        att end this Grand Lodge Communicati on and speak to you  there goes all my cows. The medium-size bull said there
        concerning my views and observati ons on Freemasonry  sure goes all of mine and with that litt le bull started to
        and it is a great privilege to do so. I do want to clarify  snort and slobber and paw the ground. The other two
        before I begin, however, of my perceived positi on and  bulls  looked  at  him  and  asked,  have  you  gone  out  of
        purpose in our craft .                                     your mind what do you think you’re doing challenging
                                                                   that  great  big  bull?  The  litt le  bull  said,  challenge  him,
         I have been introduced over the years in a number of  challenge him hell, I’m just making sure he knows I’m not
        categories, including; as a Masonic scholar, author, orator,  a cow.
        and  historian.  I  was  even  introduced  to  the  President
        of Portugal as a noted Masonic philosopher. I thought       I  use  that  litt le  story  as  an  analogy  to  cause  you  to
        about this introducti on for a long ti me wondering why  realize that I am not the cow either. It is signifi cant to
        anyone would refer to me as a philosopher. Then I began  know what one is not, and I have never looked at myself
        to  comprehend  that  a  philosopher  was  one  who  had  as  fi tti  ng  into  anyone  of  these  categories  by  which  I
        developed  opinions  and  I  certainly  have  been  known  have been introduced. One of the primary reasons that
        over  the  years  for  my  opinions.  So  perhaps,  I  am  as  Freemasonry  became  as  great  as  it  did,  is  because  it
        close to being a Masonic philosopher as any of the other  att racted  some  of  the  greatest  minds  that  ever  lived.
        categories.                                                Consider for a moment how many great men comprised
                                                                   early  Freemasonry  and  as  a  result  sti mulated  other
         On one occasion when visiti ng a New Jersey Lodge to  great men to want to become part of it. Consider men
        speak, a brother greeted me by stati ng that he realized  like  Washington,  Franklin,  Revere,  Voltaire,  Amadeus
        that  I  was  controversial  but  that  I  was  welcome  in  Mozart, Sir Christopher Wren, Simone Bolivar, Giuseppe
        New  Jersey  and  my  brothers;  I  have  no  problem  with  Garibaldi,  Joseph  Priestley,  and  we  could  go  on  listi ng
        being controversial. I realize that I have probably been  literally  hundreds  of  others  who  have  contributed  to
        one  of  the  most  outspoken  criti cs  of  North  American  making  this  world  as  it  is  today.  They  also,  however,
        Freemasonry for over 25 years relati ve to the directi on it  contributed to making Freemasonry what it is today in
        is going and the methods used to alter the course.         most of the world.
         A few of you here know that I live on a small farm in      Realisti cally, however, I realize that I am, have always
        south-central Pennsylvania with a stream bordering the  been  and  will  always  be  just  a  litt le  country  boy  who
        farm. A friend of mine across the stream raises prime  developed  a  great  appreciati on  for  this  craft .  I  realize
        Holstein  cows.  He  kept  several  bulls  on  his  farm  to  that no matt er how important I may ever think I am, I
        service the cows, a big bull, a medium-size bull, and a  will never serve as an example to sti mulate great men
        litt le bull. Those who understand the pecking order of  to want to become a Freemason. I perceive my purpose
        animals recognize that the big bull got most of the cows,  in the craft  as being; to do all that I can do to preserve it
        the medium-sized bull had a few and the litt le bull had  unti l great minds come along again to inspire it.
        just one.
                                                                    Chief  Rahnami  Abah  wrote  in  his  book,  Light  aft er
         Glenn  decided  one  ti me  that  to  improve  the  milk  Darkness,  “Even  if  my  thoughts  and  ideas  may  be
        producti on  of  the  herd;  he  would  bring  in  a  Grand  controversial or, in certain respects, open to questi on, I
        Champion bull. For those who may not understand, the  shall have succeeded in my att empt if these ideas have
        bull has a major infl uence on the milk producing capacity  generated  further  thoughts  on  the  main  substance  of
        of the resulti ng cows through breeding. When word got  Freemasonry  in  the  search  for  universal  truth”  and  so
        around the barnyard that Glenn was bringing in a Grand  mote it be with me.
        Champion bull, the three bulls got together to discuss it.
        The big bull said, there probably go some of my cows,       It is always my goal when I speak to challenge you to
        the medium size bull said, well there goes most of mine  think, for if I fail to do that, I waste both your ti me and
        and the litt le bull said I sure hope he lets me keep my  mine. So today, it is my goal to cause you to think, to
        one. When the day came for the Grand Champion bull to  hopefully sti mulate you to learn a litt le bit more about
        be delivered, the three bulls were standing up on a hill  this noble insti tuti on and to cause you to, as the Grand
        overlooking the barnyard when the catt le truck backed  Master  expects,  introspecti vely  examine  what  each  of
        in, the ramp came down and this massive, big bull came  you can do to benefi t Freemasonry.

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 22                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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