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and  sent  home  to  be  preserved  for  the  Smithsonian
        Institution and the American Natural History Museum in                          Addendum
        New York City. Roosevelt wrote of his adventures in his
        book  “African  Game  Trails,”  one  of  18  books  he  would   Brigadier  General  Theodore  Roosevelt,  Jr.,  fought  in  the
        write.                                                     First and Second World Wars. Roosevelt would be the only
                                                                   general on D-Day to land by sea with the fi rst wave of troops
          By 1912 he was dismayed with Taft’s record as President   on  Utah  Beach.  He  was  awarded  the  Medal  of  Honor  for
        and decided late to run on his own 3rd party ticket as a   his for gallantry and intrepidity at risk of his life above and
        Progressive. When asked how his health was, Roosevelt      beyond the call of duty while in command of the 4th Infantry
        responded  “I’m  as  healthy  as  a  Bull  Moose.”  His  party   Division in France on June 6, 1944. He repeatedly led groups
        was  called  the”  Bull  Moose  Party”  from  that  time  on.   from  the  beach  over  the  seawall  and  established  them
        In the end, Roosevelt failed to win the Presidency. That   inland. His valor, courage, and presence in the very front of
        honor went to Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt had divided        the att ack and his complete unconcern at being under heavy
        the Republican Party voters, getting more votes than Taft   fi re  inspired  the  troops  to  heights  of  enthusiasm  and  self-
        but allowing Wilson to take office as a minority president.   sacrifi ce.  Under  his  unfaltering  leadership,  assault  troops
        Again Roosevelt went into retirement with a near death     reduced beach strong points and rapidly moved inland with
        expedition up the Amazon River in South America. Sick      minimum casualti es. He thus contributed substanti ally to the
        and injured, Roosevelt almost died. Following his return   successful  establishment  of  the  beachhead  in  France.  The
        to the U.S. and the outbreak of World War I, Roosevelt     Medal of Honor was posthumously awarded on September
        volunteered to recruit a Division and lead it in Europe, but
        Wilson would have none of it and refused. In declining     28, 1944, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
        health,  TR  passed  away  in  January  1919  at  age  60  at
        his  home  on  Long  Island.  Upon  his  death,  V-P  Thomas
        Marshall of Columbia City, Indiana, said that “Death had
        to  take  Roosevelt  sleeping,  for  if  he  had  been  awake,
        there would have been a fight.”

          Roosevelt was one of those people in history that was
        bigger  than  life.  Perhaps  the  greatest  measurement  of
        a man was to look at his legacy. Roosevelt was truly a
        progressive, someone willing to do the right thing, fight
        the good fight, for those who needed protecting. He saw
        the U.S. as a world leader and helped prepare and propel
        America to that end. He saw the office of the Presidency
        as being center stage, and when he was the President,
        he was. Maybe the greatest compliment is that Roosevelt
        could see into the future, and he took giant steps to make
        that a better place for all of us.

          Oh,  and  as  you  might  expect,  Roosevelt  was  also  a
        Mason. In 1902 he said, “One of things that attracted me
        so greatly to Masonry…that it really did live up to what
        we, as a government, are pledged to - - of treating each
        man on his merits as a Man.”Theodore Roosevelt is the
        only President to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Almost
        50 years later, following President Roosevelt's acti ons in
        Cuba, his son, Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,
        was also awarded the Medal of Honor.

        President Roosevelt was awarded the Medal of Honor for
        his acti ons during the Spanish-American War. Lieutenant-
        Colonel Theodore Roosevelt disti nguished himself through
        acts of bravery on July 1, 1898, while leading a bold charge
        on San Juan Hill, Cuba. Lt Colonel Roosevelt had initi ally
        been nominated for the Medal of Honor; however, the
        Army passed him over, citi ng a lack of evidence for his
        heroic acti ons at San Juan Hill. He received a posthumous
        Medal of Honor from President Bill Clinton in 2001.

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 17                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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