Page 12 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
P. 12


                                                                                                 Chuck Clampitt
                                                                                                 Mt Etna Lodge 333
                                                                                                 Huntington, Indiana

          An ongoing  concern in Masonry is  a decline  in           Use Masonry in your conversation – One of the things
        membership. Just like the old saying made famous by  that I try to do when I am talking to someone I know
        Mark Twain in one of his lectures, “Everybody complains  is  to  ask  “What  is  going  on  your  world.”  It  is  a  great
        about the weather, but nobody does anything about  conversation starter giving both of us a chance to share
        it.” While we might realize that our Lodge or Masonry,  and catch up on things that are important. Usually, the
        in general, has a membership problem, we often don’t  other person will then ask the same question in return. My
        create a plan to address the issue.                        response includes something about Masonry, such as an
                                                                   upcoming Lodge activity, a visitation, or a special event.
          Several years ago, I was sent to a week-long seminar  Since I am an active Mason, I usually have something
        on sales for General Electric. The instructor was bright,  to share. My purpose isn’t to hand the other person a
        experienced,  and  engaging  and  made  the  class  well  petition but instead to let them know how much I enjoy
        worthwhile. The one story I distinctly remember went  Masonry and some of the things available to do.
        like  this.  GE  recruited  him  after  completing  a  degree
        in electrical engineering and then was sent to a very        Advertise  your  membership  –  We  are  all  movable
        good  training  program  in  sales  of  electric  motors.  His  billboards when it comes to being Masons. Masonic
        first sales call was to a privately owned manufacturing  license  plates,  decals,  and  bumper  “badges”  give
        company whose owner had always been a very good GE  visibility locally. Wear a Masonic ring, cap, shirt, or jacket
        motor buyer.                                               and proudly show you are a Mason. Make these things
                                                                   available for your members to purchase through your
          On the day of the call, the young salesman arrived on  Lodge and encourage their participation. We would all
        time and was warmly welcomed by the company owner.  rather receive a window decal in our next mailing instead
        After a brief familiarity chat, the salesman went into his  of a dues statement.
        sales  pitch.  GE  made  great  electric  motors  that  were
        not only reliable but also competitively priced. In fact, a   Create opportunities to open your Lodge – Take the
        new energy efficient model would pay for itself in three  mystery out of Masonry by opening your Lodge building
        and half years. When the salesman pitch was over, the  to others. Scheduling community activities such as
        customer sat behind his desk and didn’t seem to show  Halloween  and  Valentine  parties,  lady’s  night  out,  or
        any enthusiasm. After an uncomfortable moment, the  movie  nights  are  examples  of  ways  to  invite  friends
        salesman  drifted  back  to  conversing  about  the  local  and family to your Lodge. Take the time to show them
        college football team, the weather, etc. Finally, the  your Lodge room and share with them what Masonry is
        owner said, “I am not going to buy any of your motors.”  all about. A Lodge in Florida has a monthly steak night
        The  salesman  was  taken  aback.  The  owner  then  said,  before its stated meeting. A great meal of grilled steak,
        “Do  you  want  to  know  why?”.  The  salesman  nodded.  baked potato, salad, and dessert costs $10 and is open to
        “Because you never asked me.”                              friends and family. The dinner is well received, meeting
                                                                   attendance has increased, and the ladies are invited
          Hopefully,  there  is  a  lesson  to  be  learned  from  that  along with the local DeMolay Chapter.
        story. The days of a generation or two ago when a man
        asked about Masonry, are for the most part over. Yes,        Have an “Elevator Speech” in mind – Although it is not
        from time to time that does occur, usually by someone  a new concept, an elevator speech is a short response to
        who has or had family members who were Masons.  the occasional question you get “What is Masonry?” The
        Unfortunately,  as  Masonic  membership  has  declined,  thought is that you have about one minute to respond. If
        the visibility of Masonry has declined, and our exemplary  the best you can come up with is that we hold a business
        members have declined as well.                             meeting once a month and to pay the bills, then maybe
                                                                   you need to rethink your answer. Mine is just one word,
          While  there  are  no  “silver  bullets”  that  will  reverse  fraternity. Then I define what I mean by that. “A group of
        membership trends in your Lodge, there are things that  like-minded men who enjoy the opportunity of spending
        can be done to help.                                       time together.” Hopefully, that generates an interest for
                                                                   further conversation.

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 12                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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