Page 15 - Jan Feb 2022 Mag. Base.indd
P. 15

Those are the legal and ethical standards of
        a fiduciary. In a much broader sense though,                                  God Give Us Men
        members of Freemasonry have a fiduciary duty to
        the fraternity to which we have pledged ourselves.                God give us men! A time like this demands
        The assets of the Lodge go way beyond its property
        and investments. The intrinsic worth of our Lodges  Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands;
        cannot be measured and rests in our actions toward
        our brothers and the world.                                       Men whom the lust of offi  ce does not kill,

                                                                          Men whom the spoils of offi  ce cannot buy;

                                                                            Men who possess opinions and a will;

                                                                          Men who can stand before a demagogue,

                                                                    And damn his treacherous fl atteries without winking!

                                                                        Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog

                                                                            In public duty, and in private thinking;

                                                                     For while the rabble, with their thumb worn creeds,

                                                                         Their large professions and their little deeds,

                                                                         Mingle in selfi sh striefe, Lo! Freedom weeps,
          It is our fiduciary duty to preserve our fraternity for      Wrong rules the land and waiting justice sleeps.
        future generations of Masons. To do this, we must
        take prudent care of our Lodges and preserve our
        Ancient Landmarks. We must take care of our ritual
        and see that the lessons of our degrees are properly                          - Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1891)
        presented. We must take care to hold up our members
        and see to their fraternal needs. We must take care
        to provide relief to our widows and orphans. We must
        take care to serve our communities and be faithful
        citizens. We must take care to continue to address
        the world with brotherly love, relief and truth. We
        must take  care  to  live  our lives  with temperance,
        fortitude, prudence and justice.

          That will help you become a Fiduciary Mason.

            Montana Freemason                                                 Page 15                                            Jan/Feb 2022   Volume 98 No.1
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